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SlopMap: a software application tool for quick and flexible identification of similar sequences using exact k-mer matching




With the advent of Next-Generation (NG) sequencing, it has become possible to sequence a entire genomes quickly and inexpensively. However, in some experiments one only needs to extract and assembly a portion of the sequence reads, for example when performing transcriptome studies, sequencing mitochondrial genomes, or characterizing exomes. With the raw DNA-library of a complete genome it would appear to be a trivial problem to identify reads of interest. But it is not always easy to incorporate well-known tools such as BLAST, BLAT, Bowtie, and SOAP directly into a bioinformatics pipelines before the assembly stage, either due to incompatibility with the assembler’s file inputs, or because it is desirable to incorporate information that must be extracted separately. For example, in order to incorporate flowgrams from a Roche 454 sequencer into the Newbler assembler it is necessary to first extract them from the original SFF files.We present SlopMap, a bioinformatics software utility that allows quickly identification similar to the provided reference reads from either Roche 454 or Illumnia DNA library. With simple and intuitive command-line interface along with file output formats compatible to assembly programs, SlopMap can be directly embedded to biological data processing pipeline without any additional programming work. In addition, SlopMap preserves flowgram information needed for Roche 454 assembler.
机译:随着下一代(NG)测序的出现,已经可以快速,廉价地对整个基因组进行测序。但是,在某些实验中,例如在进行转录组研究,线粒体基因组测序或表征外显子组时,只需要提取和组装一部分序列读数即可。对于完整基因组的原始DNA文库,鉴定感兴趣的阅读片段似乎是一个琐碎的问题。但是,由于与汇编器的文件输入不兼容,或者由于希望合并信息,所以在组装阶段之前将诸如BLAST,BLAT,Bowtie和SOAP之类的知名工具直接并入生物信息学管道并不总是那么容易。必须单独提取。例如,为了将Roche 454定序器中的流程图合并到Newbler汇编器中,有必要首先从原始SFF文件中提取它们。我们提出了SlopMap,这是一种生物信息学软件实用程序,可以快速识别类似于提供的参考读物Roche 454或Illumnia DNA库。借助简单直观的命令行界面以及与汇编程序兼容的文件输出格式,SlopMap可以直接嵌入生物数据处理管道,而无需任何其他编程工作。另外,SlopMap保留了Roche 454汇编器所需的流程图信息。



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