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Taxonomic and Life History Bias in Herbicide Resistant Weeds: Implications for Deployment of Resistant Crops




Evolved herbicide resistance (EHR) is an important agronomic problem and consequently a food security problem, as it jeopardizes herbicide effectiveness and increases the difficulty and cost of weed management. EHR in weeds was first reported in 1970 and the number of cases has accelerated dramatically over the last two decades. Despite 40 years of research on EHR, why some weeds evolve resistance and others do not is poorly understood. Here we ask whether weed species that have EHR are different from weeds in general. Comparing taxonomic and life history traits of weeds with EHR to a control group (“the world's worst weeds”), we found weeds with EHR significantly over-represented in certain plant families and having certain life history biases. In particular, resistance is overrepresented in Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae and Poaceae relative to all weeds, and annuality is ca. 1.5 times as frequent in weeds with EHR as in the control group. Also, for perennial EHR weeds, vegetative reproduction is only 60% as frequent as in the control group. We found the same trends for subsets of weeds with EHR to acetolactate synthase (ALS), photosystem II (PSII), and 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase-inhibitor herbicides and with multiple resistance. As herbicide resistant crops (transgenic or not) are increasingly deployed in developing countries, the problems of EHR could increase in those countries as it has in the USA if the selecting herbicides are heavily applied and appropriate management strategies are not employed. Given our analysis, we make some predictions about additional species that might evolve resistance.
机译:不断发展的除草剂抗性(EHR)是一个重要的农学问题,因此也是食品安全问题,因为它危害了除草剂的有效性并增加了除草的难度和成本。杂草中的电子病历首次报告于1970年,在过去的二十年中,病例数急剧增加。尽管对EHR进行了40年的研究,但对于某些杂草为何会产生抗药性而另一些杂草却没有产生抗药性的了解却很少。在这里,我们询问具有EHR的杂草种类是否与一般杂草不同。将带有EHR的杂草的分类学和生活史特征与一个对照组(“世界上最糟糕的杂草”)进行比较,我们发现带有EHR的杂草在某些植物科中明显超标,并且具有一定的生活史偏见。尤其是,相对于所有杂草,A菜科,十字花科和禾本科科的抗药性都过高,年生植物大约为杂草。 EHR杂草的频率是对照组的1.5倍。同样,对于多年生的EHR杂草,营养繁殖的频率仅为对照组的60%。我们发现具有EHR的杂草子集对乙酰乳酸合酶(ALS),光系统II(PSII)和5-烯醇丙酮酸shi草酸酯-3-磷酸酯(EPSP)合酶抑制剂除草剂具有相同的趋势,并且具有多重耐药性。随着抗除草剂作物(无论是否有转基因作物)在发展中国家的使用越来越多,如果大量使用除草剂而不采用适当的管理策略,那么电子病历的问题可能会像美国那样增加。根据我们的分析,我们对可能产生抗性的其他物种做出了一些预测。



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