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Investigating the importance of sediment resuspension in Alexandrium fundyense cyst population dynamics in the Gulf of Maine




Cysts of Alexandrium fundyense, a dinoflagellate that causes toxic algal blooms in the Gulf of Maine, spend the winter as dormant cells in the upper layer of bottom sediment or the bottom nepheloid layer and germinate in spring to initiate new blooms. Erosion measurements were made on sediment cores collected at seven stations in the Gulf of Maine in the autumn of 2011 to explore if resuspension (by waves and currents) could change the distribution of over-wintering cysts from patterns observed in the previous autumn; or if resuspension could contribute cysts to the water column during spring when cysts are viable. The mass of sediment eroded from the core surface at 0.4 Pa ranged from 0.05 kg m−2 near Grand Manan Island, to 0.35 kg m−2 in northern Wilkinson Basin. The depth of sediment eroded ranged from about 0.05 mm at a station with sandy sediment at 70 m water depth on the western Maine shelf, to about 1.2 mm in clayey–silt sediment at 250 m water depth in northern Wilkinson Basin. The sediment erodibility measurements were used in a sediment-transport model forced with modeled waves and currents for the period October 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011 to predict resuspension and bed erosion. The simulated spatial distribution and variation of bottom shear stress was controlled by the strength of the semi-diurnal tidal currents, which decrease from east to west along the Maine coast, and oscillatory wave-induced currents, which are strongest in shallow water. Simulations showed occasional sediment resuspension along the central and western Maine coast associated with storms, steady resuspension on the eastern Maine shelf and in the Bay of Fundy associated with tidal currents, no resuspension in northern Wilkinson Basin, and very small resuspension in western Jordan Basin. The sediment response in the model depended primarily on the profile of sediment erodibility, strength and time history of bottom stress, consolidation time scale, and the current in the water column. Based on analysis of wave data from offshore buoys from 1996 to 2012, the number of wave events inducing a bottom shear stress large enough to resuspend sediment at 80 m ranged from 0 to 2 in spring (April and May) and 0 to 10 in winter (October through March). Wave-induced resuspension is unlikely in water greater than about 100 m deep. The observations and model results suggest that a millimeter or so of sediment and associated cysts may be mobilized in both winter and spring, and that the frequency of resuspension will vary interannually. Depending on cyst concentration in the sediment and the vertical distribution in the water column, these events could result in a concentration in the water column of at least 104 cysts m−3. In some years, resuspension events could episodically introduce cysts into the water column in spring, where germination is likely to be facilitated at the time of bloom formation. An assessment of the quantitative effects of cyst resuspension on bloom dynamics in any particular year requires more detailed investigation.
机译:亚历山大藻的囊肿是一种会鞭毛的藻,在缅因州湾引起有毒的藻类大量繁殖。冬天,它们在底部沉积物的上层或底部星状胶体层中处于休眠细胞状态,并在春季萌发,从而开始新的开花。对2011年秋季在缅因州海湾七个站收集的沉积物核心进行了侵蚀测量,以探讨悬浮(通过波浪和洋流)是否可以改变前一个秋天观察到的越冬囊肿的分布;或在春季囊肿可行时,重悬是否会导致囊肿进入水柱。在0.4 Pa时从核心表面侵蚀的沉积物质量介于大马南岛附近的0.05 kg m −2 到威尔金森盆地北部的0.35 kg m −2 。侵蚀的深度范围从缅因州西部大陆架水深70 m处含沙质沉积物的站点到约0.05 mm,到威尔金森盆地北部250 m水深处的黏土-粉砂沉积物约1.2 mm。在2010年10月1日至2011年5月31日期间,采用模拟波浪和水流强迫的泥沙输运模型中,使用了泥沙侵蚀性测量,以预测悬浮和河床侵蚀。底部切应力的模拟空间分布和变化受沿缅因州海岸从东向西递减的半日潮流强度和在浅水中最强的振荡波感应电流控制。模拟显示,与风暴相关的缅因州中部和西部海岸偶尔会有泥沙悬浮,缅因州东部大陆架和芬迪湾有稳定的悬浮物与潮流相关,威尔金森盆地北部没有悬浮物,约旦盆地西部仅有很小的悬浮物。该模型中的泥沙响应主要取决于泥沙的侵蚀性,底部应力的强度和时间历史,固结时间尺度以及水柱中的水流。根据1996年至2012年海上浮标的波浪数据分析,引起底切应力大到足以将沉积物重新悬浮在80 m处的波浪事件数量在春季(4月和5月)为0到2,冬季为0到10。 (从十月到三月)。在大于约100 m的水中,波浪引起的悬浮不太可能发生。观测和模型结果表明,冬季和春季都可能动员约1毫米左右的沉积物和相关的囊肿,并且重悬的频率每年都会变化。根据沉积物中囊肿的浓度和水柱的垂直分布,这些事件可能导致水柱中至少10 4 个囊肿m -3 的浓度。在某些年份中,重悬事件可能会在春季将水囊囊泡引入水柱,在水华形成时可能会促进发芽。对任何特定年份中囊肿重悬对开花动态的定量影响的评估需要更详细的研究。



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