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First Assessment for the Presence of Phlebotomine Vectors in Bavaria Southern Germany by Combined Distribution Modeling and Field Surveys




Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and transmitted by sand flies from mammalian reservoirs to humans. In recent years, a northward spread of L. infantum from highly endemic Mediterranean countries into previously non-endemic Central European areas has been suspected based on presumed sporadic cases of autochthonous leishmaniasis. Here, we investigated whether sand flies are prevalent in Bavaria in Southern Germany, a federal state in which autochthonous cases have previously been reported. Considering the present and future climatic conditions, we determined whether Bavaria is suitable for five sand fly species with assumed spreading tendencies towards Central Europe: Phlebotomus ariasi, P. neglectus, P. perfiliewi and P. perniciosus that are known vectors for Leishmania in Europe, and P. mascittii, a suspected but not proven vector. Within Bavaria we defined sampling regions based on their climatic suitability and their spatial distance to the sites of the autochthonous cases and/or to areas of reported sand fly detection in states adjacent to Bavaria. At 155 locations in 7 sampling regions, CDC light traps were placed during 38 nights in the summers of 2009 and 2010, resulting in 202 trap-nights. All traps were negative for sand flies. The results suggest that Bavaria is not yet endemic for sand flies, but do not exclude the possibility of sporadic cases of autochthonous human or zoonotic Leishmania infections. This study, which combined methodological approaches from different disciplines, serves as reference for future surveys and risk analyses of sand flies and leishmaniasis in so far non-endemic areas of Europe.
机译:利什曼病是由利什曼原虫属的原生动物引起的,并由沙蝇从哺乳动物的水库传播到人类。近年来,根据推测的偶发性本地性利什曼病病例,怀疑婴儿乳杆菌从高度流行的地中海国家向北蔓延到以前非流行的中欧地区。在这里,我们调查了沙蝇是否在德国南部的巴伐利亚州盛行。德国南部的联邦州以前曾报道过当地病例。考虑到当前和未来的气候条件,我们确定了巴伐利亚州是否适合五种具有中欧传播趋势的沙蝇种:Plebotomus ariasi,P。neglectus,P。perfiliewi和P. perniciosus,它们是欧洲利什曼原虫的已知病媒, P. mascittii,一种可疑但未经证实的媒介。在巴伐利亚州内,我们根据气候适应性以及它们与本地病例的位置和/或与巴伐利亚州相邻的州所报告的沙蝇检测区域之间的空间距离,来定义采样区域。在2009年和2010年夏季的38个晚上,在7个采样区域中的155个位置放置了CDC诱捕器,共诱捕202个晚上。所有诱捕器均为沙蝇阴性。结果表明,巴伐利亚还不是沙蝇的地方病,但并未排除散发人类或人畜共患利什曼原虫感染病例的可能性。这项研究结合了不同学科的方法论方法,可为今后在欧洲非流行地区进行沙蝇和利什曼病的调查和风险分析提供参考。



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