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Don’t Like RDF Reification? Making Statements about Statements Using Singleton Property




Statements about RDF statements, or meta triples, provide additional information about individual triples, such as the source, the occurring time or place, or the certainty. Integrating such meta triples into semantic knowledge bases would enable the querying and reasoning mechanisms to be aware of provenance, time, location, or certainty of triples. However, an efficient RDF representation for such meta knowledge of triples remains challenging. The existing standard reification approach allows such meta knowledge of RDF triples to be expressed using RDF by two steps. The first step is representing the triple by a Statement instance which has subject, predicate, and object indicated separately in three different triples. The second step is creating assertions about that instance as if it is a statement. While reification is simple and intuitive, this approach does not have formal semantics and is not commonly used in practice as described in the RDF Primer.In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Singleton Property for representing statements about statements and provide a formal semantics for it. We explain how this singleton property approach fits well with the existing syntax and formal semantics of RDF, and the syntax of SPARQL query language. We also demonstrate the use of singleton property in the representation and querying of meta knowledge in two examples of Semantic Web knowledge bases: YAGO2 and BKR. Our experiments on the BKR show that the singleton property approach gives a decent performance in terms of number of triples, query length and query execution time compared to existing approaches. This approach, which is also simple and intuitive, can be easily adopted for representing and querying statements about statements in other knowledge bases.
机译:有关RDF语句或元三元组的语句提供有关单个三元组的附加信息,例如来源,发生的时间或地点或确定性。将此类元三元组集成到语义知识库中将使查询和推理机制能够知道三元组的出处,时间,位置或确定性。但是,对于此类三元元知识的有效RDF表示仍然具有挑战性。现有的标准规范化方法允许使用RDF通过两个步骤来表示RDF三元组的这种元知识。第一步是通过一个Statement实例表示三元组,该实例具有在三个不同的三元组中分别表示的主语,谓语和宾语。第二步是创建关于该实例的断言,就好像它是一条语句一样。尽管简化很简单,直观,但是这种方法没有形式化语义,并且不像RDF Primer中所描述的那样在实践中普遍使用。为了它。我们将说明这种单例属性方法如何与RDF的现有语法和形式语义以及SPARQL查询语言的语法很好地吻合。我们还通过语义Web知识库的两个示例YAGO2和BKR演示了元数据知识的表示和查询中单例属性的使用。我们在BKR上的实验表明,与现有方法相比,单例属性方法在三元组数,查询长度和查询执行时间方面具有不错的性能。这种方法也简单直观,可以轻松地用于表示和查询有关其他知识库中的语句的语句。



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