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Rediscovery of an Endemic Vertebrate from the Remote Islas Revillagigedo in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: The Clarión Nightsnake Lost and Found




Vertebrates are currently going extinct at an alarming rate, largely because of habitat loss, global warming, infectious diseases, and human introductions. Island ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to invasive species and other ecological disturbances. Properly documenting historic and current species distributions is critical for quantifying extinction events. Museum specimens, field notes, and other archived materials from historical expeditions are essential for documenting recent changes in biodiversity. The Islas Revillagigedo are a remote group of four islands, 700–1100 km off the western coast of mainland México. The islands are home to many endemic plants and animals recognized at the specific- and subspecific-levels, several of which are currently threatened or have already gone extinct. Here, we recount the initial discovery of an endemic snake Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha unaocularus Tanner on Isla Clarión, the later dismissal of its existence, its absence from decades of field surveys, our recent rediscovery, and recognition of it as a distinct species. We collected two novel complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA genomes and up to 2800 base-pairs of mtDNA from several other individuals, aligned these with previously published mt-genome data from samples throughout the range of Hypsiglena, and conducted phylogenetic analyses to infer the biogeographic origin and taxonomic status of this population. We found the Isla Clarión population to be most closely related to populations in the Sonora–Sinaloa state border area of mainland México and Isla Santa Catalina, in the Gulf of California. Based on genetics, morphology, and geographic distributions, we also recognize these two other lineages as distinct species. Our study shows the importance of museum specimens, field notes, and careful surveys to accurately document biodiversity and brings these island endemics (Clarión and Santa Catalina nightsnakes) and mainland population near the Sonora–Sinaloa state border to the attention of conservation biologists currently monitoring biodiversity in these fragile subtropical ecosystems.
机译:目前,脊椎动物的灭绝速度惊人,主要是因为栖息地丧失,全球变暖,传染病和人类传入。岛屿生态系统特别容易受到入侵物种和其他生态干扰的影响。正确记录历史和当前物种分布对于量化灭绝事件至关重要。博物馆标本,实地考察记录和历史考察的其他存档材料对于记录生物多样性的最新变化至关重要。雷维拉吉格多岛(Islas Revillagigedo)是由四个岛屿组成的偏远群岛,距离墨西哥大陆西海岸700-1100公里。这些岛屿是特定和亚特定级别公认的许多特有动植物的家园,其中一些目前受到威胁或已经灭绝。在这里,我们叙述了在IslaClarión上发现的地方性蛇Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha unaocularus Tanner的最初发现,后来发现了它的存在,几十年来的实地调查都没有发现它,我们最近的重新发现并将其识别为独特的物种。我们收集了两个新的完整的线粒体(mt)DNA基因组和来自其他几个个体的多达2800个mtDNA碱基对,将它们与先前发布的整个Hypsiglena样品中的mt基因组数据进行比对,并进行了系统发育分析以推断生物地理该人群的起源和分类学地位。我们发现,克拉里翁岛(IslaClarión)人口与墨西哥大陆的索诺拉(Sonora)–锡那罗亚(Sinaloa)州边界地区和加利福尼亚湾的圣卡塔琳娜岛(Isla Santa Catalina)的人口关系最为密切。根据遗传学,形态学和地理分布,我们还将这两个其他世系视为不同的物种。我们的研究表明,博物馆标本,实地考察和仔细调查对准确记录生物多样性的重要性,并将这些岛屿特有物种(Clarión和Santa Catalina夜惊)和索诺拉–西纳罗亚州边界附近的大陆居民吸引到目前监测生物多样性的保护生物学家的注意力在这些脆弱的亚热带生态系统中。



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