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Heterogeneity in Men’s Marijuana Use in the 20s: Adolescent Antecedents and Consequences in the 30s




Adolescent psychopathology is commonly connected to marijuana use. How changes in these adolescent antecedents and in adolescent marijuana use are connected to patterns of marijuana use in the 20s is little understood. Also not clearly understood is psychopathology in the 30s as predicted by marijuana use in the 20s. This study sought to examine these two issues – and associations with marijuana disorder diagnoses – using a longitudinal dataset of 205 men with essentially annual reports. Individual psychopathology and family characteristics from the men’s adolescence were used to predict their patterns of marijuana use across their 20s, and aspects of the men’s psychopathology in their mid 30s were predicted from these patterns. Three patterns of marijuana use in the 20s were identified using growth mixture modeling and were associated with diagnoses of marijuana disorders at age 26 years. Parental marijuana use predicted chronic use for the men in adulthood. Patterns of marijuana use in the 20s predicted antisocial behavior and deviant peer association at age 36 years (controlling for adolescent levels of the outcomes by residualization). These findings indicate that differential patterns of marijuana use in early adulthood are associated with psychopathology toward midlife.
机译:青少年的心理病理学通常与使用大麻有关。这些青少年前因和青少年大麻使用的变化如何与20世纪20年代大麻使用的模式联系在一起,这一点鲜为人知。还没有清楚地了解到30年代的精神病理学,正如20年代使用大麻所预测的那样。这项研究试图使用这205个男性的纵向数据集(主要是年度报告)来检查这两个问题以及与大麻病诊断的关联。男性青春期的个人心理病理学和家庭特征被用来预测他们在20多岁时使用大麻的方式,而从这些方式中预测男性30年代中期的心理病理学方面。使用生长混合物模型确定了20年代使用大麻的三种模式,并与26岁时的大麻疾病诊断相关。父母使用大麻会预测成年男性长期使用大麻。 20年代使用大麻的模式预测了36岁时的反社会行为和同龄人之间的异常交往(通过残差控制青少年的结局水平)。这些发现表明,成年早期使用大麻的不同方式与中年人的心理病理学有关。



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