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Non-Invasive Genetic Mark-Recapture as a Means to Study Population Sizes and Marking Behaviour of the Elusive Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)

机译:非侵入式遗传标记夺回作为研究难以捉摸的欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)种群大小和标记行为的手段



Quantifying population status is a key objective in many ecological studies, but is often difficult to achieve for cryptic or elusive species. Here, non-invasive genetic capture-mark-recapture (CMR) methods have become a very important tool to estimate population parameters, such as population size and sex ratio. The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is such an elusive species of management concern and is increasingly studied using faecal-based genetic sampling. For unbiased sex ratios or population size estimates, the marking behaviour of otters has to be taken into account. Using 2132 otter faeces of a wild otter population in Upper Lusatia (Saxony, Germany) collected over six years (2006–2012), we studied the marking behaviour and applied closed population CMR models accounting for genetic misidentification to estimate population sizes and sex ratios. We detected a sex difference in the marking behaviour of otters with jelly samples being more often defecated by males and placed actively exposed on frequently used marking sites. Since jelly samples are of higher DNA quality, it is important to not only concentrate on this kind of samples or marking sites and to invest in sufficiently high numbers of repetitions of non-jelly samples to ensure an unbiased sex ratio. Furthermore, otters seemed to increase marking intensity due to the handling of their spraints, hence accounting for this behavioural response could be important. We provided the first precise population size estimate with confidence intervals for Upper Lusatia (for 2012: N^ = 20 ± 2.1, 95% CI = 16–25) and showed that spraint densities are not a reliable index for abundances. We further demonstrated that when minks live in sympatry with otters and have comparably high densities, a non-negligible number of supposed otter samples are actually of mink origin. This could severely bias results of otter monitoring if samples are not genetically identified.
机译:在许多生态学研究中,量化种群状况是一个关键目标,但是对于隐秘或难以捉摸的物种,通常很难实现。在这里,无创遗传捕获标记捕获(CMR)方法已成为估计人口参数(例如人口规模和性别比)的非常重要的工具。欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)是一种难以捉摸的管理问题,并且使用基于粪便的基因采样进行了越来越多的研究。对于无偏的性别比或人口规模估计,必须考虑水獭的标记行为。我们使用了六年(2006-2012年)上卢萨西亚(德国萨克森州)野生水獭种群的2132只水獭粪便进行了研究,研究了标记行为,并应用了封闭种群CMR模型来解释遗传错误识别,以估计种群数量和性别比。我们在水獭的标记行为中检测到性别差异,其中果冻样品更容易被男性排便,并主动暴露在经常使用的标记部位。由于果冻样品的DNA质量较高,重要的是不仅要集中于此类样品或标记位点,而且要对足够数量的非果冻样品重复进行投资,以确保性别比例无偏。此外,由于处理水獭扭伤,水獭似乎增加了标记强度,因此考虑这种行为反应可能很重要。我们为上卢萨西亚提供了具有置信区间的第一个精确的人口规模估计值(2012年: N ^ = 20±2.1,95%CI = 16–25),并表明扭伤密度不是丰度的可靠指标。我们进一步证明,当水貂与水獭同居并具有相对较高的密度时,数量可忽略的水獭样本实际上是水貂起源的。如果样品没有遗传鉴定,这可能会严重影响水獭的监测结果。



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