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Unstable power threatens the powerful and challenges the powerless: evidence from cardiovascular markers of motivation




Possessing social power has psychological and biological benefits. For example, during task interactions, people high in power are more likely to display a benign cardiovascular (CV) response pattern indicative of “challenge” whereas people low in power are more likely to display a maladaptive CV pattern indicative of “threat” (). Challenge is marked by high cardiac output (CO) and low total peripheral resistance (TPR), while threat is marked by low CO and high TPR (). In the current work we addressed a possible moderator of the power-threat/challenge relationship, namely the stability of power. We examined the influence of the stability of power (roles could or could not change) on CV responses during a dyadic task where one person was the “chief designer” (high power) and one person was the “assistant” (low power). During the task, different CV-measures were taken [CO, TPR, heart rate, pre-ejection period). Whereas participants in the unstable low power condition showed a stronger tendency toward challenge, participants in the unstable high power condition showed a stronger tendency toward threat. Moreover, participants in the stable low power condition showed CV signs of task disengagement. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of contextual variables in shaping the relationship between power and benign/maladaptive physiological responses.
机译:拥有社会权力具有心理和生物学上的好处。例如,在任务交互过程中,能力强的人更有可能表现出“挑战”的良性心血管(CV)反应模式,而能力低的人则更有可能表现出“威胁”的适应不良的CV模式() 。挑战以高心输出量(CO)和低总外周阻力(TPR)为标志,而威胁以低CO和高TPR()为标志。在当前的工作中,我们探讨了权力威胁/挑战关系的可能的调节者,即权力的稳定性。我们检查了在一个人为“首席设计师”(高权力)和一个人为“助手”(低权力)的二元任务期间,权力稳定性(角色可能会改变或不会改变)对简历响应的影响。在任务过程中,采取了不同的CV测量方法[CO,TPR,心率,射血前期]。处于不稳定低功率状态的参与者表现出更强的挑战倾向,而处于不稳定高功率状态的参与者表现出更强的威胁倾向。此外,处于稳定低功率状态的参与者显示出任务脱离的简历迹象。将根据上下文变量在塑造力量与良性/适应性生理反应之间的关系方面的重要性来讨论结果。




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