首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Short-term Natural History of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Mid-Adult Women Sampled Monthly (Short title: Short-term HPV Natural History in Mid-Adult Women)

Short-term Natural History of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Mid-Adult Women Sampled Monthly (Short title: Short-term HPV Natural History in Mid-Adult Women)




Characterizing short-term HPV detection patterns and viral load may inform HPV natural history in mid-adult women. From 2011–2012, we recruited women aged 30–50 years. Women submitted monthly self-collected vaginal samples for high-risk HPV DNA testing for 6 months. Positive samples were tested for type-specific HPV DNA load by real-time PCR. HPV type-adjusted linear and Poisson regression assessed factors associated with 1) viral load at initial HPV detection and 2) repeat type-specific HPV detection. One-hundred thirty-nine women (36% of 387 women with ≥4 samples) contributed 243 type-specific HR HPV infections during the study; 54% of infections were prevalent and 46% were incident. Incident (versus prevalent) detection and past pregnancy were associated with lower viral load, whereas current smoking was associated with higher viral load. In multivariate analysis, current smoking was associated with a 40% (95%CI:5%–87%) increase in the proportion of samples that were repeatedly positive for the same HPV type, whereas incident (versus prevalent) detection status and past pregnancy were each associated with a reduction in the proportion of samples repeatedly positive (55%,95%CI:38%–67% and 26%,95%CI:10%–39%, respectively). In a separate multivariate model, each log10 increase in viral load was associated with a 10% (95%CI:4%–16%) increase in the proportion of samples repeatedly positive. Factors associated with repeat HPV detection were similar to those observed in longer-term studies, suggesting that short-term repeat detection may relate to long-term persistence. The negative associations between incident HPV detection and both viral load and repeat detection suggest that reactivation or intermittent persistence was more common than new acquisition.
机译:表征短期HPV检测模式和病毒载量可能会告知中年女性HPV的自然病史。从2011年至2012年,我们招募了30至50岁的女性。妇女每月提交一次自我收集的阴道样本,以进行6个月的高危HPV DNA测试。通过实时PCR检测阳性样品的类型特异性HPV DNA负载。 HPV类型调整的线性和Poisson回归评估的因素与1)初始HPV检测时的病毒载量和2)重复特定类型的HPV检测相关。在研究期间,一百三十九名妇女(387名样本≥4的妇女中的36%)贡献了243种特定类型的HR HPV感染。 54%的感染为普遍感染,46%为感染。事件(相对于普遍的)检测和过去的怀孕与较低的病毒载量相关,而当前吸烟与较高的病毒载量相关。在多变量分析中,当前吸烟与同一HPV类型反复阳性的样本比例增加40%(95%CI:5%–87%)有关,而事件(相对于普遍)检测状态和过去妊娠分别与重复阳性样本的比例降低相关(分别为55%,95%CI:38%–67%和26%,95%CI:10%–39%)。在一个独立的多元模型中,病毒载量每增加log10,就会使阳性重复样本的比例增加10%(95%CI:4%–16%)。与重复HPV检测相关的因素与在长期研究中观察到的因素相似,这表明短期重复检测可能与长期持续性有关。 HPV事件检测与病毒载量和重复检测之间的负相关性表明,重新激活或间歇性持久性比新获得性更常见。



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