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Achieving Remission in Gulf War Illness: A Simulation-Based Approach to Treatment Design




Gulf War Illness (GWI) is a chronic multi-symptom disorder affecting up to one-third of the 700,000 returning veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War and for which there is no known cure. GWI symptoms span several of the body’s principal regulatory systems and include debilitating fatigue, severe musculoskeletal pain, cognitive and neurological problems. Using computational models, our group reported previously that GWI might be perpetuated at least in part by natural homeostatic regulation of the neuroendocrine-immune network. In this work, we attempt to harness these regulatory dynamics to identify treatment courses that might produce lasting remission. Towards this we apply a combinatorial optimization scheme to the Monte Carlo simulation of a discrete ternary logic model that represents combined hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA), gonadal (HPG), and immune system regulation in males. In this work we found that no single intervention target allowed a robust return to normal homeostatic control. All combined interventions leading to a predicted remission involved an initial inhibition of Th1 inflammatory cytokines (Th1Cyt) followed by a subsequent inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor function (GR). These first two intervention events alone ended in stable and lasting return to the normal regulatory control in 40% of the simulated cases. Applying a second cycle of this combined treatment improved this predicted remission rate to 2 out of 3 simulated subjects (63%). These results suggest that in a complex illness such as GWI, a multi-tiered intervention strategy that formally accounts for regulatory dynamics may be required to reset neuroendocrine-immune homeostasis and support extended remission.
机译:海湾战争疾病(GWI)是一种慢性多症状疾病,在1991年波斯湾战争的70万回返老兵中,这种疾病影响多达三分之一,目前尚无治愈方法。 GWI症状跨越人体的几个主要调节系统,包括使人衰弱的疲劳,严重的肌肉骨骼疼痛,认知和神经系统问题。使用计算模型,我们的研究小组先前曾报道称,GWI可能至少部分地通过神经内分泌免疫网络的自然稳态调节而得以延续。在这项工作中,我们尝试利用这些监管动态来确定可能产生持久缓解的治疗过程。为此,我们将组合优化方案应用于离散三元逻辑模型的蒙特卡罗模拟,该模型代表男性的下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA),性腺(HPG)和免疫系统调节的组合。在这项工作中,我们发现没有任何干预目标能够使患者稳定地恢复正常的稳态控制。所有导致预期缓解的联合干预措施均涉及最初抑制Th1炎性细胞因子(Th1Cyt),随后抑制糖皮质激素受体功能(GR)。仅前两个干预事件就在40%的模拟病例中稳定并持久地恢复了正常的调节控制。应用此联合治疗的第二个周期可将预测的缓解率提高到3个模拟受试者中的2个(63%)。这些结果表明,在诸如GWI之类的复杂疾病中,可能需要正式解释调节动态的多层干预策略来重置神经内分泌免疫稳态并支持长期缓解。



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