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Molecular Detection of Equine Herpesvirus Types 1 and 4 Infection in Healthy Horses in Isfahan Central and Shahrekord Southwest Regions Iran




This study was undertaken to investigate molecularly the occurrence of EHV-1 and EHV-4 infection among equine population in regions, Iran. Blood samples from 53 and 37 randomly selected horses settled in Isfahan and Shahrekord, Iran, respectively, were collected. Detection of EHV-1 and EHV-4 genes in the blood samples was done using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Out of 53 and 37 samples from Isfahan and Shahrekord, 4 (18.18%) and 3 (8.10%) were positive for PCR of EHV-1, respectively. Nine (16.98%) and 6 (16.21%) were positive for PCR of EHV-4, while 6 (11.32%) and 3 (8.10%) were positive for PCR of both EHV-1 and EHV-4, in Isfahan and Shahrekord, respectively. Of the 7 blood samples positive for EHV-1, 4 (16.66%) and 3 (8.10%) were from horses >3 years old while 2 (18.18%) and 1 (16.66%) were from 2-3 years old horses, in Isfahan and Shahrekord, respectively. Out of the 7 and 3 samples positive for PCR of EHV-1 in Isfahan and Shahrekord, 4 (22.2%) and 1 (7.69%) were Standardbred, while 3 (14.28%) and 2 (13.33%) were Thoroughbreds, respectively. EHV-4 was detected in blood of 4 (22.22%) and 2 (15.83%) Standardbreds and from 4 (19.04%) and 4 (26.66%) Thoroughbred horses in Isfahan and Shahrekord, respectively. This study has shown that horses settled in Isfahan central and Shahrekord southwest regions, Iran, are infected by EHV-1 and EHV-4 and thus serve as potential reservoirs and disseminators of the viruses.
机译:这项研究旨在从分子角度调查伊朗地区马群中EHV-1和EHV-4感染的发生情况。分别收集了来自53个和37个随机选择的马的血样,这些马分别定居在伊朗的伊斯法罕和Shahrekord。使用聚合酶链反应(PCR)对血液样本中的EHV-1和EHV-4基因进行检测。在伊斯法罕和Shahrekord的53和37个样本中,分别有4个(18.18%)和3个(8.10%)的EHV-1 PCR阳性。伊斯法罕和沙雷科德分别有9例(16.98%)和6例(16.21%)的EHV-4阳性,而6例(11.32%)和3例(8.10%)的EHV-1和EHV-4阳性。 , 分别。在EHV-1阳性的7个血液样本中,有4个(16.66%)和3个(8.10%)来自3岁以上的马,而2个(18.18%)和1个(16.66%)来自2-3岁的马,分别在伊斯法罕和Shahrekord。在伊斯法罕和Shahrekord的EHV-1 PCR阳性的7和3个样本中,分别有4个(22.2%)和1个(7.69%)是标准品种,而3个(14.28%)和2个(13.33%)分别是纯种。在伊斯法罕和Shahrekord的4匹纯种马的血液中分别检测到EHV-4(22.22%)和2(15.83%)和4(26.66%)的纯种马。这项研究表明,定居在伊朗伊斯法罕中部和Shahrekord西南地区的马匹受到EHV-1和EHV-4的感染,因此可以作为病毒的潜在宿主和传播者。



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