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Toward a Deuterium Feather Isoscape for Sub-Saharan Africa: Progress Challenges and the Path Ahead




A key challenge to the application of continent-wide feather isoscapes for geographic assignment of migrant birds is the lack of ground-truthed samples. This is especially true for long-distance Palearctic-Afrotropical migrants. We used spatially-explicit information on the δ 2H composition of archived feathers from Green-backed/Grey-backed Camaroptera, to create a feather δ 2H isoscape for sub-Saharan Africa. We sampled from 34 out of 41 sub-Saharan countries, totaling 205 sampling localities. Feather samples were obtained from museum collections (n = 224, from 1950 to 2014) for δ 2H assay. Region, altitude, annual rainfall and seasonal patterns in precipitation were revealed as relevant explanatory variables for spatial patterns in feather δ 2H. Predicted feather δ 2H values ranged from -4.0 ‰ to -63.3 ‰, with higher values observed in the Great Rift Valley and South Africa, and lower values in central Africa. Our feather isoscape differed from that modelled previously using a precipitation δ 2H isoscape and an assumed feather-to-precipitation calibration, but the relatively low model goodness fit (F10,213 = 5.98, p<0.001, R2 = 0.18) suggests that other, non-controlled variables might be driving observed geographic patterns in feather δ 2H values. Additional ground-truthing studies are therefore recommended to improve the accuracy of the African feather δ 2H isoscape.
机译:将全大陆的羽毛等值线应用于迁徙鸟类的地理分配的一个关键挑战是缺乏地面真实的样本。对于长途古北非移民而言,尤其如此。我们使用了来自绿背/灰背Camaroptera的已归档羽毛δ 2 H组成的空间明晰信息,以创建子δ 2 H等高线的羽毛撒哈拉以南非洲。我们从41个撒哈拉以南国家中的34个采样,总共205个采样地点。从博物馆收藏的羽毛样品(n = 224,从1950年至2014年)中进行δ 2 H分析。揭示了区域,海拔,年降水量和降水的季节性模式,作为羽毛δ 2 H空间模式的相关解释变量。预测的羽毛δ 2 H值在-4.0‰至-63.3‰之间,在大裂谷和南非观察到的值较高,在中部非洲则较低。我们的羽毛等值线与先前使用降水δ 2 H等值线和假定的羽毛到降水校正模型进行建模的方法不同,但是模型的拟合度相对较低(F10,213 = 5.98,p <0.001, R 2 = 0.18)表明其他非控制变量可能正在驱动羽毛δ 2 H值中观察到的地理模式。因此,建议进行更多的地面真相研究,以提高非洲羽毛δ 2 H等值线的准确性。



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