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Not so sluggish: the success of the Felimare picta complex (Gastropoda Nudibranchia) crossing Atlantic biogeographic barriers

机译:并不是那么迟钝:Felimare picta建筑群(GastropodaNudibranchia)成功跨越大西洋生物地理障碍



The molecular phylogeny of the Atlanto-Mediterranean species of the genus Felimare, particularly those attributed to the species F. picta, was inferred using two mitochondrial markers (16S and COI). A recent revision of the Chromodorididae clarified the taxonomic relationships at the family level redefining the genus Felimare. However, conflicting taxonomic classifications have been proposed for a restrict group of taxa with overlapping morphological characteristics and geographical distributions designated here as the Felimare picta complex. Three major groups were identified: one Mediterranean and amphi-Atlantic group; a western Atlantic group and a tropical eastern Atlantic group. F. picta forms a paraphyletic group since some subspecies are more closely related with taxa traditionaly classified as independent species (e.g. F. zebra) than with other subspecies with allopatric distributions (e.g. F. picta picta and F. picta tema). Usually, nudibranchs have adhesive demersal eggs, short planktonic larval phases and low mobility as adults unless rafting on floating materials occurs. Surprisingly however, the phylogeny of the F. picta complex suggests that they successfully cross main Atlantic biogeographic barriers including the mid-Atlantic barrier. This ability to cross different biogeographic barriers may be related to F. picta’s distinct life history and ecological traits. Compared to other Chromodorididae F. picta has larger eggs and planktotrophic larvae which could be related to a longer planktonic phase.
机译:使用两个线粒体标记(16S和COI)推断出Felimare属的Atlanto-Mediterranean物种的分子系统发育,特别是归因于F. picta物种的。最近对Chromodorididae进行了修订,阐明了在家庭层面上的分类学关系,重新定义了Felimare属。但是,对于具有重叠的形态特征和地理分布(此处称为Felimare picta复合体)的有限类群,已经提出了相互矛盾的分类学分类。确定了三个主要群体:一个是地中海和两栖-大西洋群体;另一个是地中海和两栖大西洋群体。一个西大西洋集团和一个热带东大西洋集团。由于某些亚种与传统上被分类为独立物种的分类单元(例如斑马)相比,与其他具有异种分布的亚种(例如Pica picta和F.picta tema)更紧密相关,因此F.picta形成了一个近生种群。通常,裸结bra成年时具有粘性的沉没卵,短的浮游幼虫期和成年期的低流动性,除非在漂浮物上漂流。然而,令人惊讶的是,F。picta复合体的系统发育表明,它们成功地穿越了主要的大西洋生物地理屏​​障,包括中大西洋屏障。这种跨越不同生物地理障碍的能力可能与F. picta独特的生活史和生态特征有关。与其他Chromodorididae F. picta相比,它的卵和浮游性幼虫更大,这可能与更长的浮游阶段有关。



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