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Bust economics: foragers choose high quality habitats in lean times




In environments where food resources are spatially variable and temporarily impoverished, consumers that encounter habitat patches with different food density should focus their foraging initially where food density is highest before they move to patches where food density is lower. Increasing missed opportunity costs should drive individuals progressively to patches with lower food density as resources in the initially high food density patches deplete. To test these expectations, we assessed the foraging decisions of two species of dasyurid marsupials (dunnarts: Sminthopsis hirtipes and S. youngsoni) during a deep drought, or bust period, in the Simpson Desert of central Australia. Dunnarts were allowed access to three patches containing different food densities using an interview chamber experiment. Both species exhibited clear preference for the high density over the lower food density patches as measured in total harvested resources. Similarly, when measuring the proportion of resources harvested within the patches, we observed a marginal preference for patches with initially high densities. Models analyzing behavioral choices at the population level found no differences in behavior between the two species, but models analyzing choices at the individual level uncovered some variation. We conclude that dunnarts can distinguish between habitat patches with different densities of food and preferentially exploit the most valuable. As our observations were made during bust conditions, experiments should be repeated during boom times to assess the foraging economics of dunnarts when environmental resources are high.
机译:在粮食资源空间变化且暂时贫困的环境中,遇到食物密度不同的生境斑块的消费者应首先将觅食集中在食物密度最高的地方,然后再转移到食物密度较低的地方。由于最初高食物密度斑块中的资源枯竭,错过机会成本的增加将驱使个人逐步进入食物密度较低的斑块。为了检验这些期望,我们评估了澳大利亚中部辛普森沙漠在严重干旱或半衰期两种达索里德有袋动物(邓纳特人:Sminthopsis hirtipes和S. youngsoni)的觅食决策。通过采访室实验,允许Dunnarts进入三个包含不同食物密度的贴片。从总收获资源来看,这两个物种都显示出明显的偏爱高密度而不是低食物密度的斑块。同样,在测量斑块内所收获资源的比例时,我们观察到最初密度较高的斑块的边际偏好。在种群水平上分析行为选择的模型没有发现两种物种在行为上的差异,但是在个体水平上分析选择的模型却发现了一些差异。我们得出的结论是,邓纳尔动物可以区分食物密度不同的栖息地,并优先利用最有价值的食物。由于我们的观察是在胸围条件下进行的,因此在环境资源丰富时,应在繁荣时期重复进行实验,以评估邓纳特人的觅食经济。



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