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Development of a Two-Stage Microalgae Dewatering Process – A Life Cycle Assessment Approach




Even though microalgal biomass is leading the third generation biofuel research, significant effort is required to establish an economically viable commercial-scale microalgal biofuel production system. Whilst a significant amount of work has been reported on large-scale cultivation of microalgae using photo-bioreactors and pond systems, research focus on establishing high performance downstream dewatering operations for large-scale processing under optimal economy is limited. The enormous amount of energy and associated cost required for dewatering large-volume microalgal cultures has been the primary hindrance to the development of the needed biomass quantity for industrial-scale microalgal biofuels production. The extremely dilute nature of large-volume microalgal suspension and the small size of microalgae cells in suspension create a significant processing cost during dewatering and this has raised major concerns towards the economic success of commercial-scale microalgal biofuel production as an alternative to conventional petroleum fuels. This article reports an effective framework to assess the performance of different dewatering technologies as the basis to establish an effective two-stage dewatering system. Bioflocculation coupled with tangential flow filtration (TFF) emerged a promising technique with total energy input of 0.041 kWh, 0.05 kg CO2 emissions and a cost of $ 0.0043 for producing 1 kg of microalgae biomass. A streamlined process for operational analysis of two-stage microalgae dewatering technique, encompassing energy input, carbon dioxide emission, and process cost, is presented.
机译:尽管微藻生物质正在引领第三代生物燃料研究,但仍需要大量努力来建立经济上可行的商业规模微藻生物燃料生产系统。尽管已经报道了使用光生物反应器和池塘系统进行大规模藻类大规模养殖的大量工作,但在建立最佳经济条件下大规模加工的高性能下游脱水操作方面的研究重点有限。脱水大量微藻培养物所需的大量能量和相关成本一直是发展工业规模微藻生物燃料生产所需生物量的主要障碍。大体积微藻类悬浮液的极稀性质和悬浮液中微藻类细胞的小尺寸在脱水过程中产生了巨大的加工成本,这引起了人们对商业规模微藻类生物燃料生产作为传统石油燃料的替代品的经济成功的担忧。 。本文报告了一个有效的框架,以评估不同的脱水技术的性能,以此为基础建立有效的两阶段脱水系统。生物絮凝与切向流过滤(TFF)相结合出现了一种很有前途的技术,其总能量输入为0.041 kWh,二氧化碳排放量为0.05千克,生产1千克微藻类生物质的成本为0.0043美元。提出了一种简化的两阶段微藻脱水技术操作分析过程,包括能量输入,二氧化碳排放和过程成本。



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