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Assessing Fish and Motile Fauna around Offshore Windfarms Using Stereo Baited Video




There remains limited knowledge of how offshore windfarm developments influence fish assemblages, particularly at a local scale around the turbine structures. Considering the existing levels of anthropogenic pressures on coastal fish populations it is becoming increasingly important for developers and environmental regulators to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing fish assemblages. Improving our ability to assess such fish populations in close proximity to structures will assist in increasing this knowledge. In the present study we provide the first trial use of Baited Remote Underwater Stereo-Video systems (stereo BRUVs) for the quantification of motile fauna in close proximity to offshore wind turbines. The study was conducted in the Irish Sea and finds the technique to be a viable means of assessing the motile fauna of such environments. The present study found a mixture of species including bottom dwellers, motile crustaceans and large predatory fish. The majority of taxa observed were found to be immature individuals with few adult individuals recorded. The most abundant species were the angular crab (Goneplax rhomboides) and the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). Of note in this study was the generally low abundance and diversity of taxa recorded across all samples, we hypothesise that this reflects the generally poor state of the local fauna of the Irish Sea. The faunal assemblages sampled in close proximity to turbines were observed to alter with increasing distance from the structure, species more characteristic of hard bottom environments were in abundance at the turbines (e.g. Homarus gammarus, Cancer pagarus, Scyliorhinus spp.) and those further away more characteristic of soft bottoms (e.g. Norwegian Lobster). This study highlights the need for the environmental impacts of offshore renewables on motile fauna to be assessed using targeted and appropriate tools. Stereo BRUVs provide one of those tools, but like the majority of methods for sampling marine biota, they have limitations. We conclude our paper by providing a discussion of the benefits and limitations of using this BRUV technique for assessing fauna within areas close to offshore windfarms.
机译:关于海上风电场的发展如何影响鱼类种群的知识仍然有限,尤其是在涡轮机结构周围的局部规模上。考虑到沿海鱼类种群现有的人为压力水平,对于开发商和环境监管者来说,对影响鱼类组成的因素有更全面的了解变得越来越重要。提高我们评估靠近结构的鱼类种群的能力将有助于增加这一知识。在本研究中,我们提供了诱饵远程水下立体视频系统(立体声BRUV)的首次试用,用于量化靠近海上风力涡轮机的活动动植物。这项研究是在爱尔兰海进行的,发现该技术是评估此类环境活动动物的可行方法。本研究发现了包括底栖动物,活动甲壳类动物和大型掠食性鱼类在内的多种鱼类。发现观察到的大多数分类单元是不成熟的个体,很少记录成年个体。种类最多的是角蟹(Goneplax rhomboides)和小斑点的猫鲨(Scyliorhinus canicula)。在这项研究中值得注意的是,在所有样本中记录的分类单元普遍较低的丰度和多样性,我们假设这反映了爱尔兰海本地动物群普遍较差的状况。观察到靠近涡轮机采样的动物群落随着距结构距离的增加而发生变化,在涡轮机上有更多具有硬底环境特征的物种(例如霍马鲁斯伽玛鲁斯,巨蟹座,棘尾藻属),而距离更远的物种软底的特征(例如挪威龙虾)。这项研究强调了需要使用针对性和适当的工具来评估离岸可再生能源对活动动物的环境影响。立体声BRUV提供了其中一种工具,但是像大多数海洋生物采样方法一样,它们也有局限性。最后,我们通过讨论使用这种BRUV技术评估离岸风电场附近区域内动物区系的好处和局限性来结束本文。



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