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A Comparative Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Structure in Jaguars (Panthera onca) Pumas (Puma concolor) and Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in Fragmented Landscapes of a Critical Mesoamerican Linkage Zone

机译:美洲中美洲关键连接带片段化景观中美洲虎美洲狮和美洲豹(Leopardus pardalis)遗传多样性和结构的比较分析



With increasing anthropogenic impact and landscape change, terrestrial carnivore populations are becoming more fragmented. Thus, it is crucial to genetically monitor wild carnivores and quantify changes in genetic diversity and gene flow in response to these threats. This study combined the use of scat detector dogs and molecular scatology to conduct the first genetic study on wild populations of multiple Neotropical felids coexisting across a fragmented landscape in Belize, Central America. We analyzed data from 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in 1053 scat samples collected from wild jaguars (Panthera onca), pumas (Puma concolor), and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). We assessed levels of genetic diversity, defined potential genetic clusters, and examined gene flow for the three target species on a countrywide scale using a combination of individual- and population-based analyses. Wild felids in Belize showed moderate levels of genetic variation, with jaguars having the lowest diversity estimates (HE = 0.57 ± 0.02; AR = 3.36 ± 0.09), followed by pumas (HE = 0.57 ± 0.08; AR = 4.20 ± 0.16), and ocelots (HE = 0.63 ± 0.03; AR = 4.16 ± 0.08). We observed low to moderate levels of genetic differentiation for all three target species, with jaguars showing the lowest degree of genetic subdivision across the country, followed by ocelots and pumas. Although levels of genetic diversity and gene flow were still fairly high, we detected evidence of fine-scale genetic subdivision, indicating that levels of genetic connectivity for wild felids in Belize are likely to decrease if habitat loss and fragmentation continue at the current rate. Our study demonstrates the value of understanding fine-scale patterns of gene flow in multiple co-occurring felid species of conservation concern, which is vital for wildlife movement corridor planning and prioritizing future conservation and management efforts within human-impacted landscapes.
机译:随着人为影响和景观变化的加剧,陆生食肉动物的种群变得越来越分散。因此,至关重要的是对野生食肉动物进行遗传监测并量化应对这些威胁的遗传多样性和基因流的变化。这项研究结合使用粪便探测器狗和分子粪便学,对中美洲伯利兹的零散景观中共存的多种新热带猫科动物的野生种群进行了首次遗传学研究。我们分析了从野生美洲虎(Panthera onca),美洲狮(Puma concolor)和小腿(Leopardus pardalis)收集的1053个粪便样本中的14个多态微卫星基因座的数据。我们评估了遗传多样性的水平,确定了潜在的遗传簇,并结合了基于个体和基于群体的分析,在全国范围内检查了三种目标物种的基因流。伯利兹的野生猫科动物显示出中等水平的遗传变异,美洲虎的多样性估计值最低(HE = 0.57±0.02; AR = 3.36±0.09),其次是美洲狮(HE = 0.57±0.08; AR = 4.20±0.16),以及脚踩(HE = 0.63±0.03; AR = 4.16±0.08)。我们观察到所有三种目标物种的遗传分化水平都处于中低水平,美洲虎显示出全国最低的遗传细分程度,其次是小猿和美洲狮。尽管遗传多样性和基因流的水平仍然很高,但我们发现了细微的遗传细分的证据,这表明如果以目前的速度继续栖息地丧失和破碎化,伯利兹野生猫科动物的遗传连通性水平可能会降低。我们的研究表明,了解多种自然保护的同时出现的猫科动物中基因流的精细模式的价值,这对于野生动植物的活动走廊规划以及在人类影响的景观中优先考虑未来的保护和管理工作至关重要。



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