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A New Modified Twist Drill Craniostomy Using a Novel Device to Evacuate Chronic Subdural Hematoma




Compared with burr hole craniostomy (BHC), twist drill craniostomy (TDC) is increasingly popular because of its minimal invasiveness in evacuating chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH). However, the TDC technique varies and is continually developing; moreover, no consensus yet exists regarding the optimal protocol, and the efficacy and safety of TDC is still controversial, especially with respect to a specific method. This article introduces a new modified TDC technique using a novel device, the YL-1 puncture needle, and evaluates its efficacy and advantages compared with BHC.A retrospective study involving 121 patients with CSDH who underwent surgery at a single center was conducted, involving 68 patients undergoing modified TDC (TDC group) and 53 patients treated by BHC (BHC group). The neurological outcome was studied to evaluate the surgery efficacy, and the radiological outcome was assessed as a supplement to the surgery efficacy. In addition, complications, recurrence, and reoperation, as well as pneumocrania, operation duration, and length of stay, were studied to evaluate the advantages of the modified TDC compared with BHC. Independent sample t tests or rank-sum tests were used to compare the outcomes between the 2 groups.The neurological and radiological outcomes did not differ significantly between the TDC and BHC groups (P = 0.852 and P = 0.232, respectively), while the rates of complication and pneumocrania in patients who underwent the modified TDC were significantly lower than that in those who underwent BHC (P = 0.021 and P < 0.001, respectively). The recurrence and reoperation rates in patients from the 2 groups were similar (P = 0.566 and P = 0.715, respectively). The operation duration and length of hospital stay of the patients who underwent the modified TDC were significantly shorter than those of the patients who underwent BHC (both P < 0.001).Modified TDC with a YL-1 puncture needle is a minimally invasive surgical technique to treat CSDH; this procedure is as effective as BHC, but safer and simpler than BHC, and should be considered for patients with CSDH, especially the elderly.
机译:与毛孔开颅术(BHC)相比,麻花钻开颅术(TDC)由于其在清除慢性硬膜下血肿(CSDH)方面的微创性而越来越受欢迎。但是,TDC技术不断变化并且正在不断发展。此外,关于最佳方案尚无共识,TDC的有效性和安全性仍存在争议,尤其是在特定方法方面。本文介绍了一种使用新型装置YL-1穿刺针的改良TDC技术,并评估了其与BHC相比的疗效和优势。一项回顾性研究涉及121个CSDH患者,该患者在单个中心接受了手术。接受改良TDC的患者(TDC组)和53例接受BHC治疗的患者(BHC组)。研究了神经学结果以评估手术效果,而放射学结果被评估为手术效果的补充。此外,还研究了并发症,复发和再手术以及肺尘症,手术持续时间和住院时间,以评估改良型TDC与BHC相比的优势。使用独立样本t检验或秩和检验比较两组之间的结局.TDC和BHC组之间的神经学和放射学结局无显着差异(分别为P = 0.852和P = 0.232),而比率接受改良TDC的患者的并发症和肺气肿的发生率显着低于接受BHC的患者(分别为P = and0.021和P <0.001)。两组患者的复发率和再次手术率相似(分别为P = 0.566和P = 0.715)。接受改良TDC的患者的手术时间和住院时间明显短于接受BHC的患者(P <0.001)。YL-1穿刺针改良TDC是一种微创手术技术,治疗CSDH;此程序与BHC一样有效,但比BHC更安全,更简单,对于CSDH患者,尤其是老年人,应考虑使用。


  • 期刊名称 other
  • 作者单位
  • 年(卷),期 -1(95),10
  • 年度 -1
  • 页码 e3036
  • 总页数 9
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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