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Clinical progression of ocular injury following arsenical vesicant lewisite exposure




Ocular injury by lewisite (LEW), a potential chemical warfare and terrorist agent, results in edema of eyelids, inflammation, massive corneal necrosis, and blindness. To enable screening of effective therapeutics to treat ocular injury from LEW, useful clinically-relevant endpoints are essential. Hence, we designed an efficient exposure system capable of exposing up to six New-Zealand white rabbits at one time, and assessed LEW vapor-induced progression of clinical ocular lesions mainly in the cornea. The right eye of each rabbit was exposed to LEW (0.2 mg/L) vapor for 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 min and clinical progression of injury was observed for 28 days post-exposure (dose-response study), or exposed to same LEW dose for 2.5 and 7.5 min and clinical progression of injury was observed for up to 56 days post-exposure (time-response study); left eye served as an unexposed control. Increasing LEW exposure caused corneal opacity within 6 h post-exposure, which increased up to 3 days, slightly reduced thereafter till 3 weeks, and again increased thereafter. LEW-induced corneal ulceration peaked at 1 day post-exposure and its increase thereafter was observed in phases. LEW exposure induced neovascularization starting at 7 days which peaked at 22-35 days post-exposure, and remained persistent thereafter. In addition, LEW exposure caused corneal thickness, iris redness, and redness and swelling of the conjunctiva. Together, these findings provide clinical sequelae of ocular injury following LEW exposure and for the first time establish clinically-relevant quantitative endpoints, to enable the further identification of histopathological and molecular events involved in LEW-induced ocular injury.
机译:潜在的化学战和恐怖分子,路易斯酸(LEW)对眼的伤害会导致眼睑浮肿,发炎,大量角膜坏死和失明。为了能够筛选出有效的治疗方法来治疗LEW引起的眼损伤,有用的临床相关终点至关重要。因此,我们设计了一种有效的曝光系统,能够一次曝光多达六只新西兰白兔,并评估了LEW蒸气诱导的主要在角膜中的临床眼部病变的进展。将每只兔子的右眼暴露于LEW(0.2 mg / L)蒸气下2.5、5.0、7.5和10.0分钟,并在暴露后28天观察其损伤的临床进展(剂量反应研究),或对其进行暴露暴露后长达56天观察到LEW剂量2.5和7.5分钟以及损伤的临床进展(时间反应研究);左眼用作未暴露的对照。 LEW暴露增加会导致暴露后6小时内的角膜混浊,最多可增加3天,此后直至3周后略有减少,此后再次增加。 LEW诱导的角膜溃疡在暴露后1天达到峰值,此后分阶段观察到其增加。 LEW暴露诱导的新血管形成从7天开始,在暴露后22-35天达到峰值,此后一直持续。此外,低剂量暴露会导致角膜厚度,虹膜发红,结膜发红和肿胀。总之,这些发现提供了LEW暴露后眼损伤的临床后遗症,并首次建立了与临床相关的定量终点,从而能够进一步鉴定LEW诱发的眼损伤所涉及的组织病理学和分子事件。



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