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The Double Standard at Sexual Debut: Gender Sexual Behavior and Adolescent Peer Acceptance




A sexual double standard in adolescence has important implications for sexual development and gender inequality. The present study uses longitudinal social network data (N = 914; 11–16 years of age) to test if gender moderates associations between adolescents’ sexual behaviors and peer acceptance. Consistent with a traditional sexual double standard, female adolescents who reported having sex had significant decreases in peer acceptance over time, whereas male adolescents reporting the same behavior had significant increases in peer acceptance. This pattern was observed net of respondents’ own perceived friendships, further suggesting that the social responses to sex vary by gender of the sexual actor. However, findings for “making out” showed a reverse double standard, such that female adolescents reporting this behavior had increases in peer acceptance and male adolescents reporting the same behavior had decreases in peer acceptance over time. Results thus suggest that peers enforce traditional sexual scripts for both “heavy” and “light” sexual behaviors during adolescence. These findings have important implications for sexual health education, encouraging educators to develop curricula that emphasize the gendered social construction of sexuality and to combat inequitable and stigmatizing peer responses to real or perceived deviations from traditional sexual scripts.
机译:青春期的双重性标准对性发展和性别不平等具有重要意义。本研究使用纵向社交网络数据(N = 914; 11至16岁)来测试性别是否能调节青少年的性行为与同伴接纳之间的关联。与传统的性双重标准一致,报告称发生性行为的女性青少年随着时间的推移其同伴接纳度显着下降,而报告相同行为的男性青少年则得到同伴接纳度显着增加。观察到这种模式不包括受访者自己的感知友谊,这进一步表明,社会对性的反应因性行为者的性别而异。但是,“做出”的发现显示出相反的双重标准,即随着时间的流逝,报告这种行为的女性青少年的同伴接受度增加,而报告相同行为的男性青少年的同伴接受度下降。结果表明,同龄人对青春期的“沉重”和“轻度”性行为都实施了传统性脚本。这些发现对性健康教育具有重要意义,鼓励教育工作者制定强调性别社会性别结构的课程,并打击同real对真实或可感知的偏离传统性文字的反应不公平和污名化。



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