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Caregiver-reports of Internet Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Among Boston-Area Youth Following the 2013 Marathon Bombing




Although practitioners and researchers have considered children’s television-based terrorism exposure, Internet-based exposure has not been sufficiently examined. We examined the scope and correlates of children’s Internet-based exposure following the Boston Marathon bombing among Boston-area youth (N=460; 4–19 years), and the potential moderating role of age. Further exploratory analyses examined patterns of caregiver attempts to regulate child Internet exposure. Caregivers reported on child Internet-based and direct exposure to traumatic bombing-related events, and youth posttraumatic stress (PTS). Online youth consumed on average over two daily hours of Internet coverage, and roughly one-third consumed over three daily hours of coverage. Internet exposure was particularly high among children over 12. Greater Internet-based exposure was associated with PTS, and 12–15 year olds were particularly vulnerable. Further exploratory analyses found that although most caregivers reported believing media exposure can cause children further trauma, a considerable proportion of caregivers made no attempt to restrict or regulate their child’s Internet-based exposure. These findings help practitioners clarify forms of indirect exposure that can place youth at risk following terrorism. Future work is needed to examine the important roles caregivers play as media regulators and as promoters of child coping and media literacy following terrorism.
机译:尽管从业人员和研究人员已经考虑了儿童对电视的恐怖主义曝光,但是对基于互联网的曝光尚未进行充分的检查。我们研究了波士顿地区青少年(N = 460; 4-19岁)中发生的波士顿马拉松炸弹袭击后儿童在互联网上的暴露范围和相关性,以及年龄的潜在调节作用。进一步的探索性分析检查了照顾者试图规范儿童互联网暴露的方式。照护者报告说,儿童上网和直接接触创伤性炸弹相关事件以及青少年创伤后压力(PTS)。在线青年平均每天要花费两个小时以上的互联网时间,而大约三分之一的人每天要花费三个小时以上的时间。在12岁以上的儿童中,互联网暴露特别高,与PTS相关的互联网暴露程度更高,而12至15岁的人群特别脆弱。进一步的探索性分析发现,尽管大多数看护者报告认为媒体接触会导致儿童进一步受伤,但相当一部分看护者并未试图限制或规范其孩子在互联网上的接触。这些发现有助于从业人员弄清间接暴露的形式,这些形式可以使年轻人在恐怖主义之后处于危险之中。需要做进一步的工作来研究看护者在恐怖主义之后作为媒体监管者以及儿童应对和媒体素养的推动者所扮演的重要角色。



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