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Responses of Herbivorous Fishes and Benthos to 6 Years of Protection at the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area Maui




In response to concerns about declining coral cover and recurring macroalgal blooms, in 2009 the State of Hawaii established the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area (KHFMA). Within the KHFMA, herbivorous fishes and sea urchins are protected, but other fishing is allowed. As part of a multi-agency monitoring effort, we conducted surveys at KHFMA and comparison sites around Maui starting 19 months before closure, and over the six years since implementation of herbivore protection. Mean parrotfish and surgeonfish biomass both increased within the KHFMA (by 139% [95%QR (quantile range): 98–181%] and 28% [95%QR: 3–52%] respectively). Most of those gains were of small-to-medium sized species, whereas large-bodied species have not recovered, likely due to low levels of poaching on what are preferred fishery targets in Hawaii. Nevertheless, coincident with greater biomass of herbivores within the KHFMA, cover of crustose coralline algae (CCA) has increased from ~2% before closure to ~ 15% in 2015, and macroalgal cover has remained low throughout the monitoring period. Strong evidence that changes in the KHFMA were a consequence of herbivore management are that (i) there were no changes in biomass of unprotected fish families within the KHFMA; and that (ii) there were no similar changes in parrotfish or CCA at comparison sites around Maui. It is not yet clear how effective herbivore protection might eventually be for the KHFMA’s ultimate goal of coral recovery. Coral cover declined over the first few years of surveys–from 39.6% (SE 1.4%) in 2008, to 32.9% (SE 0.8%) in 2012, with almost all of that loss occurring by 2010 (1 year after closure), i.e. before meaningful herbivore recovery had occurred. Coral cover subsequently stabilized and may have slightly increased from 2012 through early 2015. However, a region-wide bleaching event in 2015 had already led to some coral mortality by the time surveys were conducted in late 2015, at which time cover had dropped back to levels recorded in the KHFMA in 2012.
机译:为了应对人们对珊瑚覆盖率下降和大型藻类重复开花的担忧,夏威夷州于2009年建立了Kahekili草食动物渔业管理区(KHFMA)。在KHFMA中,草食性鱼类和海胆受到保护,但允许其他捕鱼活动。作为多机构监测工作的一部分,我们在关闭前19个月开始,到实施草食动物保护以来的6年间,在KHFMA和毛伊岛周围的比较地点进行了调查。在KHFMA中平均鹦鹉鱼和刺尾鱼的生物量都增加了(分别增加139%[95%QR(分位数范围):98–181%]和28%[95%QR:3–52%])。这些收获大部分来自中小型物种,而大体物种尚未恢复,这很可能是由于对夏威夷首选的渔业目标的低水平偷猎造成的。然而,与KHFMA内草食动物的生物量增加同时,c壳珊瑚藻(CCA)的覆盖率从封存前的约2%增加到2015年的约15%,在整个监测期间,大藻类的覆盖率一直很低。有力的证据表明,KHFMA的变化是食草动物管理的结果:(i)KHFMA内未受保护的鱼类科的生物量没有变化; (ii)在毛伊岛周围的比较地点,鹦嘴鱼或CCA没有类似的变化。目前尚不清楚有效的食草动物保护对KHFMA珊瑚恢复的最终目标有多大作用。在调查的头几年,珊瑚覆盖率有所下降,从2008年的39.6%(SE 1.4%)下降到2012年的32.9%(SE 0.8%),几乎所有损失都发生在2010年(关闭后的第一年),即在发生有意义的草食动物恢复之前。随后,珊瑚覆盖率趋于稳定,从2012年到2015年初可能略有增加。但是,到2015年末进行调查时,2015年的一次区域性漂白事件已经导致一些珊瑚死亡,当时覆盖率回落至2012年KHFMA中记录的水平。



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