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A magnetic system for automated manipulation of paramagnetic particles




The simple, rapid magnetic manipulation of paramagnetic particles (PMPs) paired with the wide range of available surface chemistries has strongly positioned PMPs in the field of analyte isolation. One recent technology - Sliding Lid for Immobilized Droplet Extractions (SLIDE) - presents a simple, rapid alternative to traditional PMP isolation protocols. Rather than remove fluid from PMP-bound analyte, SLIDE directly removes the PMPs from the fluid. SLIDE collects the PMPs on a hydrophobic, removable surface, which allows PMPs to be captured from one well and then transferred and released into a second well. Despite several key advantages, SLIDE remains limited by its passive magnetic manipulation that only allows for a one-time capture-and-release of PMPs – preventing wash steps and limiting purity. Furthermore, the strategy employed by SLIDE constrains the position of the wells, thereby limiting throughput and integration into automated systems. Here, we introduce a new, mechanically and operationally simplistic magnetic manipulation system for integration with the SLIDE technology to overcome the previously stated limitations. This magnetic system is compatible with nearly any plate design, can be integrated into automated workflows, enables high-throughput formats, simplifies mechanical requirements, and is amenable to a range of analytes. Using this magnetic system, PMPs can be collected, released, and re-suspended throughout multiple wells regardless of proximity. We demonstrate this system’s capabilities to isolate whole cells, mRNA, and DNA, demonstrating up to a 28-fold improvement of purity via the multi-wash protocols enabled by this magnetic technology.
机译:顺磁性颗粒(PMP)的简单,快速的磁性操作与广泛的可用表面化学方法相结合,已将PMP牢固地定位在分析物分离领域。一种最新技术-固定液滴提取滑动盖(SLIDE)-提供了一种简单,快速的替代传统PMP分离方案的方法。 SLIDE不会从结合PMP的分析物中去除流体,而是直接从流体中去除PMP。 SLIDE将PMP收集在疏水的可移动表面上,从而可以从一个孔中捕获PMP,然后将其转移并释放到第二个孔中。尽管SLIDE具有几个关键优势,但其被动磁操作仍然受到限制,该操作仅允许一次捕获和释放PMP,从而阻止了洗涤步骤并限制了纯度。此外,SLIDE所采用的策略限制了井的位置,从而限制了生产量和集成到自动化系统中。在这里,我们介绍了一种新的,机械和操作简单的磁操纵系统,可与SLIDE技术集成在一起,从而克服了前述限制。该磁性系统几乎可以与任何板设计兼容,可以集成到自动化工作流程中,支持高通量格式,简化了机械要求,并适用于各种分析物。使用这种磁性系统,可以在多个孔中收集,释放和重新悬浮PMP,而无需考虑邻近程度。我们展示了该系统分离完整细胞,mRNA和DNA的能力,通过该磁技术实现的多次洗涤方案证明其纯度提高了28倍。



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