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Are Individuals Luck Egalitarians? – An Experiment on the Influence of Brute and Option Luck on Social Preferences

机译:个人是幸运主义者吗? –关于暴力和选项运气对社会偏好的影响的实验



According to luck egalitarianism, inequalities should be deemed fair as long as they follow from individuals’ deliberate and fully informed choices (i.e., option luck) while inequalities should be deemed unfair if they follow from choices over which the individual has no control (i.e., brute luck). This study investigates if individuals’ fairness preferences correspond with the luck egalitarian fairness position. More specifically, in a laboratory experiment we test how individuals choose to redistribute gains and losses that stem from option luck compared to brute luck. A two-stage experimental design with real incentives was employed. We show that individuals (n = 226) change their action associated with re-allocation depending on the underlying conception of luck. Subjects in the brute luck treatment equalized outcomes to larger extent (p = 0.0069). Thus, subjects redistributed a larger amount to unlucky losers and a smaller amount to lucky winners compared to equivalent choices made in the option luck treatment. The effect is less pronounced when conducting the experiment with third-party dictators, indicating that there is some self-serving bias at play. We conclude that people have fairness preference not just for outcomes, but also for how those outcomes are reached. Our findings are potentially important for understanding the role citizens assign individual responsibility for life outcomes, i.e., health and wealth.
机译:根据运气平均主义,只要不平等来自个人的故意和充分知情的选择(即,选择运气),就应视为不平等;而如果不平等是由于个人无法控制的选择(即,不平等),则应认为不平等是不公平的。蛮横的运气)。这项研究调查了个人的公平偏好是否与幸运的平等主义公平地位相对应。更具体地说,在实验室实验中,我们测试了个人如何选择重新分配因选择权运气和暴力运气而产生的收益和损失。采用了具有实际动机的两阶段实验设计。我们表明,个人(n = 226)会根据运气的基本概念来改变与重新分配有关的行动。接受粗暴治疗的受试者在更大程度上均等化了结局(p = 0.0069)。因此,与在选项运气治疗中做出的同等选择相比,受试者向不幸的失败者重新分配了更多的钱,向幸运的胜利者重新分配了较小的钱。在与第三方独裁者进行实验时,这种影响不太明显,表明存在一些自利的偏见。我们得出的结论是,人们不仅对结果有公正的偏爱,而且对达到这些结果的方式也有偏爱。我们的发现对于理解公民赋予个人对生命成果(即健康和财富)的责任的潜在重要性。



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