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Evidence of natural reproduction of Atlantic sturgeon in the Connecticut River from unlikely sources




Atlantic Sturgeon is listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as five Distinct Population Segments (DPS). The “endangered” New York Bight (NYB) DPS is thought to only harbor two populations; one in the Hudson River and a second smaller one in the Delaware River. Historically, the Connecticut River probably supported a spawning population of Atlantic Sturgeon that was believed extirpated many decades ago. In 2014, we successfully collected pre-migratory juvenile specimens from the lower Connecticut River which were subjected to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence and microsatellite analyses to determine their genetic relatedness to other populations coastwide. Haplotype and allelic frequencies differed significantly between the Connecticut River collection and all other populations coastwide. Sibship analyses of the microsatellite data indicated that the Connecticut River collection was comprised of a small number of families that were likely the offspring of a limited number of breeders. This was supported by analysis of effective population size (Ne) and number of breeders (Nb). STRUCTURE analysis suggested that there were 11 genetic clusters among the coastwide collections and that from the Connecticut River was distinct from those in all other rivers. This was supported by UPGMA analyses of the microsatellite data. In AMOVA analyses, among region variation was maximized, and among population within regions variation minimized when the Connecticut River collection was separate from the other two populations in the NYB DPS indicating the dissimilarity between the Connecticut River collection and the other two populations in the NYB DPS. Use of mixed stock analysis indicated that the Connecticut River juvenile collection was comprised of specimens primarily of South Atlantic and Chesapeake Bay DPS origins. The most parsimonious explanation for these results is that the Connecticut River hosted successful natural reproduction in 2013 and that its offspring were descendants of a small number of colonizers from populations south of the NYB DPS, most notably the South Atlantic DPS. Our results run contrary to the belief that re-colonizers of extirpated populations primarily originate in proximal populations.
机译:大西洋St鱼在《美国濒危物种法》下被列为五个不同的人口群体(DPS)。 “濒临灭绝的”纽约湾(Dynasty Bight)DPS被认为只能容纳两个人口。一个在哈德逊河,另一个在较小的特拉华河。从历史上看,康涅狄格河可能支持了大西洋St鱼的产卵种群,据信该种群已在数十年前灭绝。 2014年,我们成功地从康涅狄格河下游采集了迁徙前的少年标本,这些标本经过了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区序列和微卫星分析,以确定它们与沿海其他人群的遗传相关性。康涅狄格河收集物与沿海地区所有其他种群的单倍型和等位基因频率显着不同。对微卫星数据的同胞关系分析表明,康涅狄格河的收集物由少数家庭组成,这些家庭可能是少数繁殖者的后代。有效种群数量(Ne)和育种者数量(Nb)的分析支持了这一点。结构分析表明,沿海收集物中有11个遗传簇,而来自康涅狄格河的簇与所有其他河流的簇截然不同。 UPGMA对微卫星数据的分析对此提供了支持。在AMOVA分析中,当康涅狄格河集合与NYB DPS中的其他两个种群分开时,区域间的变化最大,区域内的种群之间的变化最小,这表明康涅狄格河集合与NYB DPS中的其他两个种群之间的差异。混合种群分析的使用表明,康涅狄格河的少年收集物主要包括南大西洋和切萨皮克湾DPS起源的标本。对于这些结果的最简单的解释是,康涅狄格河在2013年成功进行了自然繁殖,其后代是少数来自纽约州DPS南部人群的定殖者的后代,最著名的是南大西洋DPS。我们的结果与认为灭绝种群的重新定殖主要起源于近端种群的观点背道而驰。



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