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Seed Biology Updates – Highlights and New Discoveries in Seed Dormancy and Germination Research




An understanding of the biology of seeds has been greatly advanced in recent years. The progresses, particularly in the field of seed dormancy and germination research, have been made at a remarkable speed. Some of the possible epigenetic mechanisms, including an involvement of non-coding RNA, which were predicted for DELAY OF GERMINATION1 just a few years ago, have now been demonstrated with strong molecular and genetic evidence. Imprinting, or parent-of-origin-specific gene silencing/expression, which was characterized particularly for developing seeds, was also found in imbibed seeds and suggested for dormancy mechanisms. Hormone biology in seeds, which is the most advanced and almost a traditional area of seed research, also presents a new dimension. Upstream regulators of hormone metabolism and hormone transporters, such as abscisic acid and gibberellin influx/efflux carriers, have been identified. Characterization of the novel posttranslational modification pathways, including the N-end rule and S-nitrosylation pathways, which play a critical role in turnover of the major hormone signal transduction proteins, also expanded our knowledge about the complexity of hormone signaling in seeds. These progresses made at the molecular level are significant steps toward a better understanding of how seeds translate soil and other environmental signals into their internal hormone biology and make an important decision to stay dormant or commence with germination.
机译:近年来,人们对种子的生物学有了极大的了解。尤其是在种子休眠和发芽研究领域,进展非常快。一些可能的表观遗传机制,包括非编码RNA的参与,这些机制在几年前就被预测为“ DELAY OF GERMINATION1”,现在已经得到了强有力的分子和遗传学证据。印迹或起源于母体的特定基因沉默/表达,尤其是发育中的种子,在吸水的种子中也有发现,并暗示了其休眠机制。种子中的激素生物学是最先进的,几乎是种子研究的传统领域,它也提出了一个新的领域。已经确定了激素代谢和激素转运蛋白的上游调节剂,例如脱落酸和赤霉素流入/流出载体。新型的翻译后修饰途径(包括N端法则和S-亚硝基化途径)的表征在主要激素信号转导蛋白的更新中起关键作用,也扩展了我们对种子中激素信号传导复杂性的认识。在分子水平上取得的这些进展是朝着更好的理解种子如何将土壤和其他环境信号转换成其内部激素生物学的重要步骤,并做出了保持休眠或从发芽开始的重要决定。



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