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Cluster Analysis in Nursing Research: An Introduction Historical Perspective and Future Directions




The use of cluster analysis in the nursing literature is limited to the creation of classifications of homogeneous groups and the discovery of new relationships. As such, it is important to provide clarity regarding its use and potential. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to distance-based, partitioning-based, and model-based cluster analysis methods commonly utilized in the nursing literature, provide a brief historical overview on the use of cluster analysis in nursing literature, and provide suggestions for future research. An electronic search included three bibliographic databases, PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science. Key terms were cluster analysis and nursing. The use of cluster analysis in the nursing literature is increasing and expanding. The increased use of cluster analysis in the nursing literature is positioning this statistical method to result in insights that have the potential to change clinical practice.
机译:在护理文献中使用聚类分析仅限于创建同质群体的分类和发现新的关系。因此,重要的是要清楚其用途和潜力。本文的目的是介绍护理文献中常用的基于距离,基于分区和基于模型的聚类分析方法,提供有关聚类分析在护理文献中的使用的简要历史概述,并提供对未来研究的建议。电子搜索包括三个书目数据库,PubMed,CINAHL和Web of Science。关键术语是聚类分析和护理。聚类分析在护理文献中的使用正在增加和扩展。在护理文献中越来越多地使用聚类分析,这正使这种统计方法得以定位,从而产生了可能改变临床实践的见解。



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