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Adolescents’ Experiences 7 and 13 Months Following the Death of a Brother or Sister




This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to describe adolescents’ responses at 7 and 13 months to siblings’ NICU/PICU/ED death. At 7 months, adolescents were asked about events around the sibling’s death; at 7 and 13 months, about concerns/fears, feelings, and life changes. Seventeen adolescents participated (13-18 years; M=15); 65% Black, 24% Hispanic, 11% White. Themes included death circumstances, burial events, thinking about the deceased sibling, fears, and life changes. Adolescents reported shock and disbelief that the sibling died; 80% knew the reason for the death; many had difficulty getting through burials; all thought about the sibling. From 7 - 13 months fears increased including losing someone and thoughts of dying. Adolescents reported more changes in family life and greater life changes in them (more considerate, mature) by 13 months; some felt friends abandoned them after the sibling’s death. Girls had more fears and changes in family life and themselves. Adolescent’s responses to sibling death may not be visually apparent. One recommendation from this study is to ask adolescents how they are doing separately from parents since adolescents may hide feelings to protect their parents, especially their mothers. Older adolescents (14-18 years) and girls may have more difficulty after sibling death.
机译:这项定性研究使用半结构化访谈来描述青少年在7个月和13个月时对兄弟姐妹NICU / PICU / ED死亡的反应。在七个月的时间里,青少年被问到有关兄弟姐妹死亡的事件;在7个月和13个月时,有关担忧/恐惧,感觉和生活的变化。十七名青少年参加了比赛(13-18岁; M = 15); 65%黑色,24%西班牙裔,11%白色。主题包括死亡情况,埋葬事件,死者同胞的思考,恐惧和生活变化。青少年报告称其兄弟姐妹死于震惊和怀疑。 80%的人知道死亡的原因;许多人难以完成葬礼;所有人都在考虑兄弟姐妹。从7到13个月,恐惧增加了,包括失去一个人和死亡的念头。青少年报告称,他们的家庭生活有更多变化,到13个月时,他们的生活变化更大(体贴,成熟)。在兄弟姐妹死后,有些人感到朋友抛弃了他们。女孩对家庭生活和自己的恐惧和变化更多。青少年对同胞死亡的反应可能在视觉上不明显。这项研究的一项建议是,询问青少年如何与父母分开做,因为青少年可能隐藏感情来保护父母,尤其是母亲。年龄较大的青少年(14-18岁)和女孩在兄弟姐妹死亡后可能会有更多困难。



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