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Simultaneous detection of the tetrachloroethylene metabolites S-(122-trichlorovinyl) glutathione S-(122-trichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine and N-acetyl-S-(122-trichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine in multiple mouse tissues via ultra-high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry




Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PERC) is a high-production volume chemical and a ubiquitous environmental contaminant that is hazardous to human health. Toxicity of PERC is mediated through oxidative and glutathione conjugation metabolites. The conjugation of PERC by glutathione-s-transferase to generate S-(1,2,2-trichlorovinyl) glutathione (TCVG), which is subsequently metabolized to form S-(1,2,2-trichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (TCVC) is of special importance to human health. Specifically, TCVC can be metabolized to N-acetyl-S-(1,2,2-trichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine (NAcTCVC) which is excreted through urine, or to electrophilic metabolites that are nephrotoxic and mutagenic. Little is known about toxicokinetics of TCVG, TCVC, and NAcTCVC as analytical methods for simultaneous determination of these metabolites in tissues have not yet been reported. Hence, an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry-based method was developed for analysis of TCVG, TCVC, and NAcTCVC in liver, kidney, serum, and urine. The method is rapid, sensitive, robust, and selective for detection all three analytes in every tissue examined, with limits of detection ranging from 1.8–68.2 femtomoles on column, depending on the analyte and tissue matrix. This method can be applied to quantify levels of TCVG, TCVC, and NAcTCVC in tissues from mice treated with PERC (10 to 1000 mg/kg, orally) with limits of quantitation of 1–2.5 pmol/g in liver, 1–10 pmol/g in kidney, 1–2.5 pmol/mL in serum, and 2.5–5 pmol/mL in urine. This method is useful for further characterization of the glutathione conjugative pathway of PERC in vivo and improved understanding of PERC toxicity.
机译:四氯乙烯(全氯乙烯; PERC)是一种高产量化学品,是一种普遍存在的对人类健康有害的环境污染物。 PERC的毒性通过氧化和谷胱甘肽共轭代谢产物介导。谷胱甘肽-s-转移酶与PERC结合产生S-(1,2,2-三氯乙烯基)谷胱甘肽(TCVG),随后被代谢形成S-(1,2,2-三氯乙烯基)-L-半胱氨酸( TCVC)对人类健康特别重要。具体而言,TCVC可以代谢为通过尿排泄的N-乙酰基-S-(1,2,2-三氯乙烯基)-L-半胱氨酸(NAcTCVC),或代谢为肾毒性和致突变性的亲电子代谢物。关于TCVG,TCVC和NAcTCVC的毒代动力学知之甚少,因为尚未报道用于同时测定组织中这些代谢物的分析方法。因此,开发了一种基于超高效液相色谱电喷雾电离串联质谱的方法,用于分析肝,肾,血清和尿液中的TCVG,TCVC和NAcTCVC。该方法快速,灵敏,稳健,选择性强,可检测每个检查组织中的所有三种分析物,检测限在色谱柱上的范围为1.8–68.2飞摩尔,具体取决于分析物和组织基质。该方法可用于定量PERC(10至1000 mg / kg,口服)小鼠的组织中TCVG,TCVC和NAcTCVC的水平,肝脏中的定量限为1–2.5 pmol / g,1–10 pmol在肾脏中为/ g,在血清中为1-2.5 pmol / mL,在尿中为2.5-5 pmol / mL。此方法可用于进一步表征PERC在体内的谷胱甘肽结合途径,并有助于更好地理解PERC毒性。



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