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Graphettes: Constant-time determination of graphlet and orbit identity including (possibly disconnected) graphlets up to size 8




Graphlets are small connected induced subgraphs of a larger graph G. Graphlets are now commonly used to quantify local and global topology of networks in the field. Methods exist to exhaustively enumerate all graphlets (and their orbits) in large networks as efficiently as possible using orbit counting equations. However, the number of graphlets in G is exponential in both the number of nodes and edges in G. Enumerating them all is already unacceptably expensive on existing large networks, and the problem will only get worse as networks continue to grow in size and density. Here we introduce an efficient method designed to aid statistical sampling of graphlets up to size k = 8 from a large network. We define graphettes as the generalization of graphlets allowing for disconnected graphlets. Given a particular (undirected) graphette g, we introduce the idea of the canonical graphette K(g) as a representative member of the isomorphism group Iso(g) of g. We compute the mapping K, in the form of a lookup table, from all 2k(k − 1)/2 undirected graphettes g of size k ≤ 8 to their canonical representatives K(g), as well as the permutation that transforms g to K(g). We also compute all automorphism orbits for each canonical graphette. Thus, given any k ≤ 8 nodes in a graph G, we can in constant time infer which graphette it is, as well as which orbit each of the k nodes belongs to. Sampling a large number N of such k-sets of nodes provides an approximation of both the distribution of graphlets and orbits across G, and the orbit degree vector at each node.
机译:子图是较大图G的小连通诱导子图。子图现在通常用于量化现场网络的局部和全局拓扑。存在使用轨道计数方程尽可能有效地穷举大型网络中所有图小图(及其轨道)的方法。但是,G中的图数的数量在G中的节点数和边数上都是指数的。对它们进行枚举在现有的大型网络上已经不可接受地昂贵,并且随着网络规模和密度的不断增长,问题只会变得更加严重。在这里,我们介绍一种有效的方法,该方法旨在帮助从大型网络对不超过k = 8的图进行统计抽样。我们将图形定义为允许断开图形连接的图形的一般化。给定一个特定的(无向)图形g,我们介绍规范图​​形 K g 为g的同构组Iso(g)的代表成员。我们计算映射 K ,以查找表的形式,从大小为 k ≤8的所有2 k(k − 1)/ 2 个无向图形g到其规范代表 K g ,以及将 g 转换为 K g 。我们还为每个规范图形计算所有自同构轨道。因此,给定图 G 中的任何 k 个≤8个节点,我们可以在恒定时间内推断出它是哪个图形,以及每个 k的轨道节点属于。对这些 k 个节点集的大量 N 进行采样可提供图元和整个 G 上的轨道分布以及轨道的近似值每个节点的度向量。


  • 期刊名称 other
  • 作者单位
  • 年(卷),期 -1(12),8
  • 年度 -1
  • 页码 e0181570
  • 总页数 12
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词

  • 入库时间 2022-08-21 11:09:07


  • 外文文献
  • 专利


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