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Relational values resonate broadly and differently than intrinsic or instrumental values or the New Ecological Paradigm




Value orientations used to explain or justify conservation have been rooted in arguments about how much and in what context to emphasize the intrinsic versus instrumental value of nature. Equally prominent are characterizations of beliefs known as the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), often used to help explain pro-environmental behaviour. A recent alternative to these positions has been identified as ‘relational value’—broadly, values linking people and ecosystems via tangible and intangible relationships to nature as well as the principles, virtues and notions of a good life that may accompany these. This paper examines whether relational values are distinct from other value orientation and have potential to alleviate the intrinsic-instrumental debate. To test this possibility, we sought to operationalize the construct—relational values—by developing six relational statements. We ask: 1) Do the individual statements used to characterize relational values demonstrate internal coherence as either a single or multi-dimensional construct? 2) Do relational value statements (including those strongly stated) resonate with diverse populations? 3) Do people respond to relational value statements in a consistently different way than NEP scale statements? Data for this work is drawn from an online panel of residents of northeastern US (n = 400), as well as a sample of Costa Rican farmers (n = 253) and tourists in Costa Rica (n = 260). Results indicate relational values are distinct as a construct when compared to the NEP.
机译:用于解释或证明保护的价值取向已根植于关于在多大程度上以及在何种情况下强调自然的内在价值与工具价值的争论。同样重要的是被称为“新生态范式”(NEP)的信念特征,通常被用来帮助解释亲环境行为。这些位置的最新替代方法被确定为“关系价值”,即广泛地讲,这些价值通过与自然的有形和无形关系将人与生态系统联系在一起,以及与之相伴的美好生活的原则,美德和观念。本文研究了关系价值是否与其他价值取向不同,是否具有缓解内在性工具争论的潜力。为了测试这种可能性,我们试图通过开发六个关系语句来对结构(关系值)进行操作。我们问:1)用于表征关系值的单个语句是否将内部一致性证明为一维或多维结构? 2)关系价值陈述(包括明确陈述的陈述)是否会引起不同人群的共鸣? 3)人们是否以与NEP规模表一致的方式回应关系价值表?这项工作的数据来自美国东北部居民的在线面板(n = 400),以及哥斯达黎加农民(n = 253)和哥斯达黎加游客(n = 260)的样本。结果表明,与NEP相比,关系值在构造上截然不同。



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