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Enhanced sensitivity to socially facilitating and anxiolytic effects of ethanol in adolescent Sprague Dawley rats following acute prenatal ethanol exposure

机译:急性产前乙醇暴露后对青春期Sprague Dawley大鼠的乙醇对社会促进和抗焦虑作用的敏感性增强



Emerging evidence suggests that deficits in social functioning and social anxiety are associated with adolescent alcohol use. Our previous research has shown that acute exposure to a high dose of ethanol on gestational day (G) 12 produces social alterations in adolescent Sprague-Dawley rats. The present study assessed whether these social alterations can affect sensitivity to acute ethanol challenge during adolescence. Pregnant females were exposed intraperitoneally (i.p.) to ethanol (2.5 g/kg followed by 1.25 g/kg in 2 hr) or saline on G12, and their male and female offspring were tested on postnatal day (P) 42. Rats were challenged i.p. with one of four ethanol doses (0, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 g/kg), and their social behavior was assessed in a modified social interaction test. Social alterations associated with prenatal ethanol exposure and indexed via decreases of social investigation, social preference, and play fighting were evident in males and females challenged with the 0 g/kg ethanol dose. Acute ethanol increased social investigation, social preference, and play fighting in animals prenatally exposed to ethanol. In contrast, rats prenatally exposed to saline, showing no social facilitation, demonstrated significant ethanol-induced (0.75 and 1.0 g/kg) decreases in social behavior. Given that late adolescents demonstrating social alterations induced by prenatal ethanol exposure become sensitive to the socially anxiolytic as well as socially facilitating effects of acute ethanol, it is possible that the attractiveness of ethanol to these adolescents may be based on its ability to alleviate anxiety under social circumstances and facilitate interactions with peers.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,社交功能和社交焦虑的缺乏与青少年饮酒有关。我们以前的研究表明,在妊娠第12天急性暴露于高剂量的乙醇会引起Sprague-Dawley青少年大鼠的社交变化。本研究评估了这些社会改变是否可以影响青春期对急性乙醇挑战的敏感性。怀孕的雌性动物在G12腹膜内(i.p.)暴露于乙醇(2.5 g / kg,然后在2小时内1.25 g / kg)或盐水中暴露,并在产后第42天对雌性和雌性后代进行测试。服用四种乙醇剂量(0、0.5、0.75和1.0 g / kg)之一,并通过改良的社交互动测试评估他们的社交行为。在接受0 g / kg乙醇挑战的男性和女性中,与产前乙醇暴露相关的社会变化并通过社会调查,社会偏好和打架的减少而明显体现出来。急性乙醇增加了产前暴露于乙醇的动物的社会调查,社会偏好和打架。相比之下,产前暴露于生理盐水的大鼠,没有社交促进作用,显示出乙醇引起的社交行为显着下降(0.75和1.0 g / kg)。鉴于表现出产前乙醇暴露引起的社会改变的晚期青少年变得对急性乙醇的社交抗焦虑及社会促进作用敏感,因此乙醇对这些青少年的吸引力可能基于其缓解社交环境下焦虑的能力。并促进与同伴的互动。



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