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Limits on normal cochlear ‘third’ windows provided by previous investigations of additional sound paths into and out of the cat inner ear




While most models of cochlear function assume the presence of only two windows into the mammalian cochlea (the oval and round windows), a position that is generally supported by several lines of data, there is evidence for additional sound paths into and out of the inner ear in normal mammals. In this report we review the existing evidence for and against the ‘two-window’ hypothesis. We then determine how existing data and inner-ear anatomy restrict transmission of sound through these additional sound pathways in cat by utilizing a well-tested model of the cat inner ear, together with anatomical descriptions of the cat cochlear and vestibular aqueduct (potential additional windows to the cochlea). We conclude: (1) The existing data place limits on the size of the cochlear and vestibular aqueducts in cat and are consistent with small volume-velocities through these ducts during ossicular stimulation of the cochlea, (2) the predicted volume velocities produced by aqueducts with diameters half the size of the bony diameters match the functional data within +/− 10 dB, and (3) these additional volume velocity paths contribute to the inner ear’s response to non-acoustic stimulation and conductive pathology.
机译:虽然大多数耳蜗功能模型都假设只有两个进入哺乳动物耳蜗的窗口(椭圆形和圆形窗口),该位置通常由几行数据支持,但有证据表明,进出内部的其他声音路径正常哺乳动物的耳朵。在本报告中,我们回顾了支持“两窗口”假设的现有证据。然后,我们通过使用经过良好测试的猫内耳模型以及猫耳蜗和前庭导水管的解剖描述(潜在的附加窗口),来确定现有数据和内耳解剖结构如何限制声音通过猫中这些其他声音路径的传输到耳蜗)。我们得出以下结论:(1)现有数据限制了猫的耳蜗和前庭导水管的大小,并且与耳蜗听骨刺激过程中通过这些导管的小体积速度一致;(2)导水管产生的预测体积速度直径为骨直径一半的直径与+/- 10 dB内的功能数据相匹配,并且(3)这些额外的体积速度路径有助于内耳对非声学刺激和传导性病理的反应。



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