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Approaches and Recent Developments for the Commercial Production of Semi-synthetic Artemisinin




The antimalarial drug artemisinin is a natural product produced by the plant Artemisia annua. Extracts of A. annua have been used in Chinese herbal medicine for over two millennia. Following the re-discovery of A. annua extract as an effective antimalarial, and the isolation and structural elucidation of artemisinin as the active agent, it was recommended as the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in combination with another effective antimalarial drug (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002. Following the WHO recommendation, the availability and price of artemisinin fluctuated greatly, ranging from supply shortfalls in some years to oversupply in others. To alleviate these supply and price issues, a second source of artemisinin was sought, resulting in an effort to produce artemisinic acid, a late-stage chemical precursor of artemisinin, by yeast fermentation, followed by chemical conversion to artemisinin (i.e., semi-synthesis). Engineering to enable production of artemisinic acid in yeast relied on the discovery of A. annua genes encoding artemisinic acid biosynthetic enzymes, and synthetic biology to engineer yeast metabolism. The progress of this effort, which resulted in semi-synthetic artemisinin entering commercial production in 2013, is reviewed with an emphasis on recent publications and opportunities for further development. Aspects of both the biology of artemisinin production in A. annua, and yeast strain engineering are discussed, as are recent developments in the chemical conversion of artemisinic acid to artemisinin.
机译:抗疟药青蒿素是由青蒿植物产生的天然产物。秋葵提取物已在中草药中使用了两千年。重新发现作为有效抗疟药的青蒿提取物,并分离和结构鉴定了青蒿素作为活性剂后,建议将其与另一种有效抗疟药(青蒿素联合用药)联合用于一例简单的疟疾该疗法于2002年由世界卫生组织(WHO)提出。根据WHO的建议,青蒿素的可获得性和价格波动很大,从某些年份的供应短缺到其他年份的供应过剩不等。为了缓解这些供应和价格问题,寻求了青蒿素的第二种来源,从而努力通过酵母发酵生产青蒿素,这是青蒿素的晚期化学前体,然后化学转化为青蒿素(即半合成) )。使酵母中产生青蒿酸的工程依赖于发现编码青蒿酸生物合成酶的青蒿农杆菌基因和工程化酵母代谢的合成生物学。综述了这项努力的进展,该进展导致半合成青蒿素于2013年投入商业生产,并着重介绍了近期出版物和进一步发展的机会。讨论了青蒿中青蒿素生产的生物学和酵母菌株工程方面,以及青蒿酸向青蒿素化学转化的最新进展。



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