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Interactions of predominant insects and diseases with climate change in Douglas-fir forests of western Oregon and Washington U.S.A




Forest disturbance regimes are beginning to show evidence of climate-mediated changes, such as increasing severity of droughts and insect outbreaks. We review the major insects and pathogens affecting the disturbance regime for coastal Douglas-fir forests in western Oregon and Washington State, USA, and ask how future climate changes may influence their role in disturbance ecology. Although the physiological constraints of light, temperature, and moisture largely control tree growth, episodic and chronic disturbances interacting with biological factors have substantial impacts on the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems in this region. Understanding insect and disease interactions is critical to predicting forest response to climate change and the consequences for ecosystem services, such as timber, clean water, fish and wildlife. We focused on future predictions for warmer wetter winters, hotter drier summers, and elevated atmospheric CO2 to hypothesize the response of Douglas-fir forests to the major insects and diseases influencing this forest type: Douglas-fir beetle, Swiss needle cast, black stain root disease, and laminated root rot. We hypothesize that 1) Douglas-fir beetle and black stain root disease could become more prevalent with increasing, fire, temperature stress, and moisture stress, 2) future impacts of Swiss needle cast are difficult to predict due to uncertainties in May-July leaf wetness, but warmer winters could contribute to intensification at higher elevations, and 3) laminated root rot will be influenced primarily by forest management, rather than climatic change. Furthermore, these biotic disturbance agents interact in complex ways that are poorly understood. Consequently, to inform management decisions, insect and disease influences on disturbance regimes must be characterized specifically by forest type and region in order to accurately capture these interactions in light of future climate-mediated changes.
机译:森林扰动制度开始显示出气候介导的变化的证据,例如干旱和昆虫爆发的加剧。我们回顾了影响俄勒冈州西部和美国华盛顿州沿海道格拉斯冷杉森林干扰制度的主要昆虫和病原体,并询问未来的气候变化如何影响其在干扰生态系统中的作用。尽管光,温度和湿度的生理限制在很大程度上控制了树木的生长,但与生物因素相互作用的偶发性和慢性干扰对该地区森林生态系统的结构和功能具有重大影响。了解昆虫和疾病的相互作用对于预测森林对气候变化的响应以及对木材,清洁水,鱼类和野生生物等生态系统服务的后果至关重要。我们将重点放在对冬季变暖,夏季更干燥以及大气CO2升高的未来预测上,以推测道格拉斯冷杉森林对影响该森林类型的主要昆虫和疾病的反应:道格拉斯冷杉甲虫,瑞士针叶树种,黑斑根病,和根腐烂。我们假设1)道格拉斯冷杉甲虫和黑斑病可能会随着火灾,温度,湿度和水分胁迫的增加而变得更加普遍; 2)由于五月至七月叶片的不确定性,瑞士针刺的未来影响难以预测潮湿,但冬季变暖可能会加剧海拔升高,并且3)根系腐烂主要受到森林管理的影响,而不是气候变化的影响。此外,这些生物干扰剂以复杂的方式相互作用,人们对此知之甚少。因此,为了告知管理决策,必须明确以森林类型和地区为特征的昆虫和疾病对干扰制度的影响,以便根据未来气候介导的变化准确地捕获这些相互作用。



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