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Structure Function and Applications of the Georgetown-Einstein (GE) Breast Cancer Simulation Model




The Georgetown University-Albert Einstein College of Medicine breast cancer simulation model (Model GE) has evolved over time in structure and function to reflect advances in knowledge about breast cancer, improvements in early detection and treatment technology, and progress in computing resources. This article describes the model and provides examples of model applications. The model is a discrete events micro-simulation of single life histories of women from multiple birth cohorts. Events are simulated in the absence of screening and treatment, and interventions are then applied to assess their impact on population breast cancer trends. The model accommodates differences in natural history associated with ER and HER2 biomarkers, as well as conventional breast cancer risk factors. The approach to simulation of breast cancer natural history is phenomenological, relying on dates, stage, and age of clinical and screen detection for a tumor molecular subtype without explicitly modeling tumor growth. The inputs to the model are regularly updated to reflect current practice. A number of technical modifications, including use of object-oriented programming (C++), and more efficient algorithms, along with hardware advances, have increased program efficiency permitting simulations of large samples. The model results consistently match key temporal trends in US breast cancer incidence and mortality. The model has been used in collaboration with other CISNET models to assess cancer control policies and will be applied to evaluate clinical trial design, recurrence risk, and polygenic risk-based screening.
机译:乔治敦大学阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院的乳腺癌模拟模型(模型GE)在结构和功能上随着时间的推移不断发展,以反映出有关乳腺癌知识的进步,早期检测和治疗技术的进步以及计算资源的进步。本文介绍了模型并提供了模型应用程序的示例。该模型是来自多个出生队列的妇女的单身生活历史的离散事件微观模拟。在没有筛查和治疗的情况下模拟事件,然后应用干预措施评估事件对人群乳腺癌趋势的影响。该模型适应了与ER和HER2生物标记物相关的自然史以及常规乳腺癌风险因素的差异。模拟乳腺癌自然史的方法是现象学的方法,它依赖于对肿瘤分子亚型进行临床和筛查的日期,阶段和年龄,而无需明确模拟肿瘤的生长。该模型的输入会定期更新以反映当前的做法。许多技术修改,包括使用面向对象的编程(C ++),以及更有效的算法,以及硬件的进步,都提高了程序效率,允许对大样本进行仿真。模型结果始终符合美国乳腺癌发病率和死亡率的关键时间趋势。该模型已与其他CISNET模型一起用于评估癌症控制策略,并将用于评估临床试验设计,复发风险和基于多基因风险的筛查。



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