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Cost Analysis of Prevention Research Centers: Instrument Development




The 2014–2019 Prevention Research Centers (PRC) Program Funding Opportunity Announcement stated that “all applicants will be expected to collaborate with CDC to collect data to be able to perform cost analysis.” For the first time in the 30-year history of the PRC Program, a cost indicator was included in the PRC Program Evaluation and a cost analysis (CA) instrument developed. The PRC-CA instrument systematically collects data on the cost of the PRC core research project to eventually answer the CDC PRC Program Evaluation question: “To what extent do investments in PRCs support the scalability, sustainability, and effectiveness of the outcomes resulting from community-engaged efforts to improve public health?” The objective of this article is to briefly describe the development of the PRC-CA instrument. Data obtained from the PRC-CA instrument can be used to generate cost summaries to inform decision making within the PRC Program and each individual PRC.
机译:2014-2019年预防研究中心(PRC)计划资助机会公告指出:“预计所有申请人都将与CDC合作收集数据以进行成本分析。”在中国计划的30年历史中,这是中国计划评估中首次包含成本指标,并且开发了成本分析(CA)工具。 PRC-CA工具系统地收集了有关中国核心研究项目成本的数据,以最终回答CDC中国项目评估问题:“对中国的投资在多大程度上支持了社区所产生的成果的可扩展性,可持续性和有效性,致力于改善公共卫生?”本文的目的是简要描述PRC-CA文书的发展。从PRC-CA工具获得的数据可用于生成成本汇总,以为PRC计划和每个单个PRC中的决策提供依据。



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