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An Empirical Analysis of Popular Press Claims Regarding Linguistic Change in President Donald J. Trump




Linguistic features of a person’s speech can change over time. It has been proposed that characteristics in the speech of President Donald J. Trump (DJT) have changed across time, though this claim has been based on subjective and anecdotal reports. A previous study of speech by Presidents of the United States identified an increase in the use of conversational fillers and non-specific nouns, and lower unique word counts, in the speech of President Ronald W. Reagan, but not in the speech of President George H.W. Bush. To empirically test claims of a systematic change in speech by DJT, we applied the same analysis by transcribing and analyzing publicly available Fox News interviews with DJT between 2011 and 2017. A regression analysis revealed a significant increase in the use of filler words by DJT over time. There was no significant change in numbers of unique words. The observed rise in filler words was significantly greater than filler-word change in President George H.W. Bush, and was not significantly different from the rise previously found in the speech of President Ronald W. Reagan. Identifying the reason for this linguistic change is not possible from speech samples alone, and the variables index linguistic change rather than being validated measures of change in cognitive ability. Nonetheless, features of the data such as the trajectory starting years before announcement of candidacy rule-out several potential explanations. To summarize, we find statistical evidence to support suggestions that speech by DJT has changed over time.
机译:一个人讲话的语言特征会随着时间而改变。有人提议,唐纳德·J·特朗普总统(DJT)演讲的特征会随着时间而改变,尽管这一主张是基于主观和轶事报告的。美国总统先前的演讲研究发现,罗纳德·W·里根总统的演讲中增加了对话性填充词和非特定名词的使用,唯一词数减少,但乔治总统的讲话中没有硬件衬套。为了实证测试DJT的语音系统变化的说法,我们通过转录和分析2011年至2017年期间接受DJT的公开采访Fox News采访进行了同样的分析。回归分析显示DJT使用填充词的人数大大增加了。时间。唯一词的数量没有明显变化。观察到的填充词增加明显大于乔治·H.W。总统的填充词变化。布什,与罗纳德·W·里根(Ronald W. Reagan)总统先前的讲话没有明显不同。仅凭语音样本就不可能确定这种语言变化的原因,并且变量索引语言变化,而不是作为对认知能力变化的有效度量。但是,数据的特征(例如,在宣布候选资格之前开始的轨迹)排除了几种可能的解释。总而言之,我们找到了统计证据来支持DJT演讲随时间变化的建议。



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