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Molecular characterization of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) from Arkansas USA

机译:来自美国阿肯色州的根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp。)的分子表征



Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are the most common major pathogens of many crops throughout the world, impacting both the quantity and quality of marketable yields. In this study, a total of 244 root-knot nematode populations from various hosts from 39 counties in Arkansas were tested to determine the species diversity. Molecular characterization was performed on these populations by DNA sequencing of the ribosomal DNA 18S-ITS-5.8S, 28S D2/D3 and a mitochondrial DNA fragment flanking cytochrome oxidase gene subunit II - the intergenic spacer. Five species were identified, including M. incognita (Kofoid & White, 1919) Chitwood, 1949 from soybean, cotton, corn and various vegetables (232 samples); M. hapla Chitwood, 1949 from rose (1 sample); M. haplanaria Eisenback, Bernard, Starr, Lee & Tomaszewski, 2003 from okra, tomato, peanut, Indian hawthorn, ash, willow and elm trees (7 samples); M. marylandi Jepson & Golden in Jepson, 1987 from grasses (3 samples); and M. partityla Kleynhans, 1986 from pecan (1 sample) through a combined analysis of DNA sequencing and PCR by species-specific primers. Meloidogyne incognita is the most abundant species that was identified in 95% samples and was the only species in field crops including soybean and cotton, except for one population of M. haplanaria from soybean in Logan County (TK201). Species-specific primers were used to verify M. incognita through PCR by species-specific primers. Unlike historical data, M. arenaria, M. javanica and M. graminis were not detected from any of the samples collected during this study. This result is essential for effective and sustainable management strategies against root-knot nematodes in Arkansas.
机译:根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp。)是世界上许多农作物中最常见的主要病原体,影响了可销售单产的数量和质量。在这项研究中,对来自阿肯色州39个县的不同寄主的244个根结线虫种群进行了测试,以确定物种多样性。通过核糖体DNA 18S-ITS-5.8S,28S D2 / D3和侧翼细胞色素氧化酶基因亚基II的线粒体DNA片段(基因间隔子)的DNA测序,对这些种群进行了分子表征。鉴定了五种,包括从大豆,棉花,玉米和各种蔬菜中提取的M. incognita(Kofoid&White,1919年)Chitwood(232个样品);哈普拉·奇特伍德(M. hapla Chitwood),1949年摘自玫瑰(1个样本); M. haplanaria Eisenback,Bernard,Starr,Lee和Tomaszewski,2003年,来自秋葵,番茄,花生,印度山楂,水曲柳,柳树和榆树(7个样本); M. marylandi Jepson&Golden,1987年在杰普逊(Jepson),取自草(3个样本);和M. partityla Kleynhans,1986年从山核桃(1个样品)中,通过物种特异性引物对DNA测序和PCR的综合分析,进行了分析。根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)是在95%的样品中鉴定到的最丰富的物种,并且是洛根县(Logan County)的一个来自大豆的褐藻分枝杆菌种群,是包括大豆和棉花在内的大田作物中唯一的物种。物种特异性引物被用于通过物种特异性引物通过PCR验证隐孢子虫。与历史数据不同的是,在这项研究期间收集的任何样品中均未检出沙雷氏菌,爪哇念珠菌和重症分支杆菌。这一结果对于针对阿肯色州根结线虫的有效而可持续的管理策略至关重要。



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