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Evolutionary history of Pacific salmon in dynamic environments




Contemporary evolution of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) is best viewed in the context of the evolutionary history of the species and the dynamic ecosystems they inhabit. Speciation was complete by the late Miocene, leaving c. six million years for intraspecific diversification. Following the most recent glacial maximum, large areas became available for recolonization. Current intraspecific diversity is thus the product of recent evolution overlaid onto divergent historical lineages forged during recurrent episodes of Pleistocene glaciation. In northwestern North America, dominant habitat features have been relatively stable for the past 5000 years, but salmon ecosystems remain dynamic because of disturbance regimes (volcanic eruptions, landslides, wildfires, floods, variations in marine and freshwater productivity) that occur on a variety of temporal and spatial scales. These disturbances both create selective pressures for adaptive responses by salmon and inhibit long-term divergence by periodically extirpating local populations and creating episodic dispersal events that erode emerging differences. Recent anthropogenic changes are replicated pervasively across the landscape and interrupt processes that allow natural habitat recovery. If anthropogenic changes can be shaped to produce disturbance regimes that more closely mimic (in both space and time) those under which the species evolved, Pacific salmon should be well-equipped to deal with future challenges, just as they have throughout their evolutionary history.
机译:在物种进化史和它们所居住的动态生态系统的背景下,最好地看待太平洋鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus spp。)的当代进化。到中新世晚期,物种形成才完成,剩下c。种内多元化已有六百万年的历史。继最近的冰川最大值之后,大面积区域可供重新定殖。因此,当前种内多样性是最近更新的产物,覆盖在更新世冰川期反复发​​作期间形成的不同历史谱系上。在北美西北部,过去5000年来,主要的栖息地特征一直相对稳定,但是鲑鱼的生态系统仍然保持动态变化,这是由于各种干扰因素(火山喷发,山体滑坡,野火,洪水,海洋和淡水生产力的变化)引起的。时间和空间尺度。这些扰动既为鲑鱼的适应性反应创造了选择性压力,又通过定期消灭当地人口并造成破坏新出现差异的突发性传播事件而抑制了长期分歧。最近的人为变化在整个景观中无处不在复制,并中断了允许自然栖息地恢复的过程。如果可以改变人为的变化方式,使其产生的干扰机制(在空间和时间上)更接近于该物种进化所依据的干扰机制,那么太平洋鲑鱼就应具备应对未来挑战的良好装备,就像它们在整个进化史中一样。



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