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Testosterone is involved in mediating the effects of prenatal stress in male guinea pig offspring




A link exists between stress during pregnancy and altered hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) activity and behaviour in children. In the guinea pig, male offspring born to mothers that were exposed to stress during pregnancy demonstrated increased anxiety, basal cortisol levels and decreased testosterone concentrations. Testosterone is known to inhibit HPA function and anxiety behaviours. Therefore, we hypothesized that restoring plasma testosterone would ameliorate the differences observed in HPA function and behaviour. Pregnant guinea pigs were exposed to a stressor during the period of rapid fetal brain growth (prenatal stress, PS) or left undisturbed (control, C). Behaviour in an open-field and prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex (ASR) was assessed in juvenile offspring. In adulthood, male offspring were divided into four groups: Control + sham gonadectomy (GDX), control + GDX + testosterone replacement, PS + sham GDX and PS + GDX + testosterone. Male offspring were retested in the open-field and PPI. Basal HPA activity was also assessed. As juveniles, PS males exhibited significantly lower ASR (P < 0.05) and elevated PPI. In adulthood, PS male offspring exhibited significantly decreased PPI (P < 0.02) and this was reversed by administration of testosterone. We also found that adult PS offspring exhibited significantly less activity in the open-field (P < 0.05) and administration of testosterone increased ambulatory activity in PS animals. Basal plasma adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) levels were significantly greater in PS animals and there was a trend towards reversal by administration of testosterone in PS males. In conclusion, prenatal stress results in male guinea pig offspring that exhibit age-dependent differences in ambulatory activity, sensorimotor gating and HPA activity. In adulthood, the behavioural changes are reversed by replacement of plasma testosterone.
机译:怀孕期间的压力与儿童下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)活性和行为改变之间存在联系。在豚鼠中,怀孕期间承受压力的母亲所生的雄性后代表现出焦虑增加,基础皮质醇水平升高和睾丸激素浓度降低。已知睾丸激素可抑制HPA功能和焦虑行为。因此,我们假设恢复血浆睾丸激素可以改善HPA功能和行为方面的差异。在胎儿大脑快速生长期间(产前压力,PS)或未受干扰(对照组,C)的期间,怀孕的豚鼠暴露于应激源下。在未成年后代中评估了惊吓反射(ASR)在旷场的行为和预脉冲抑制(PPI)。成年后,雄性后代分为四组:对照组+假性腺切除术(GDX),对照组+ GDX +睾丸激素替代,PS +假GDX和PS + GDX +睾丸激素。对雄性后代在野外和PPI中进行了重新测试。还评估了基础HPA活性。作为少年,PS雄性表现出明显较低的ASR(P <0.05)和PPI升高。在成年期,PS雄性后代的PPI显着降低(P <0.02),而通过施用睾丸激素可以逆转。我们还发现,成年PS的后代在开阔地域中表现出明显较少的活动(P <0.05),而睾丸激素的给药增加了PS动物的活动能力。 PS动物的基础血浆肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平显着升高,并且在PS雄性中服用睾丸激素有逆转的趋势。总而言之,产前应激导致雄性豚鼠后代的活动能力,感觉运动门控和HPA活性表现出年龄依赖性。在成年期,通过更换血浆睾丸激素可以逆转行为改变。



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