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Juvenile habitat partitioning and relative productivity in allochronically isolated sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

机译:异时分离的红鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus nerka)的幼体栖息地分区和相对生产力



Allochronic divergence, like spatial isolation, may contribute to population diversity and adaptation, however the challenges for tracking habitat utilization in shared environments are far greater. Adult Klukshu River (Yukon, Canada) sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, return as genetically distinct “early” and “late” runs. Early and late adult spawning populations (1999 and 2000) and their subsequent fry (sampled at 7 sites in 2000 and at 8 sites in 2001 throughout Klukshu Lake and River) were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. Bayesian assignment was used to determine the spatial distribution of early versus late fry; although intermixed, the distribution of fry significantly differed in Klukshu Lake and in the Klukshu River in 2001, based on crosstab analyses. Late-run fry predominated in Klukshu Lake at all sites, while early-run fry were most common in the north and south of Klukshu Lake and in Klukshu River. Early-run spawners had significantly higher relative productivity (early life survival) than late-run fish (2.9 times more fry produced per early-run adult in 2000, and 9.2 times more in 2001). This study demonstrates spatial habitat partitioning and differences in the contribution of allochronically isolated populations to fry abundance, and highlights annual variability that likely contributes to recruitment variation.
机译:像空间隔离一样,异时多样性可能会促进种群多样性和适应性,但是在共享环境中追踪栖息地利用的挑战要大得多。成年的克鲁斯胡河(加拿大育空市)的红鲑鱼,红尾On(Oncorhynchus nerka)以遗传上独特的“早期”和“晚期”运行方式返回。分别在八个微卫星基因座上对成年早期和晚期产卵种群(1999年和2000年)及其随后的鱼苗(2000年在克鲁克舒湖和河中的7个地点和2001年的8个地点取样)进行了基因分型。贝叶斯分配被用来确定早熟鱼和晚熟鱼的空间分布。根据交叉表分析,尽管混合在一起,但2001年在Klukshu湖和Klukshu河中鱼苗的分布有显着差异。在所有地点,晚熟鱼在所有地区都占主导地位,而早熟鱼则最常见于该地区的北部和南部以及克鲁舒河。早期产卵者的相对生产力(早期生存)比晚期鱼类要高得多(2000年,每个早期成年成虫的鱼苗产量增加了2.9倍,2001年增加了9.2倍)。这项研究证明了空间栖息地的划分和异时分离种群对鱼苗丰度的贡献的差异,并强调了可能导致招聘变化的年度变化。



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