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Complexity in cancer biology: is systems biology the answer?




Complex phenotypes emerge from the interactions of thousands of macromolecules that are organized in multimolecular complexes and interacting functional modules. In turn, modules form functional networks in health and disease. Omics approaches collect data on changes for all genes and proteins and statistical analysis attempts to uncover the functional modules that perform the functions that characterize higher levels of biological organization. Systems biology attempts to transcend the study of individual genes/proteins and to integrate them into higher order information. Cancer cells exhibit defective genetic and epigenetic networks formed by altered complexes and network modules arising in different parts of tumor tissues that sustain autonomous cell behavior which ultimately lead tumor growth. We suggest that an understanding of tumor behavior must address not only molecular but also, and more importantly, tumor cell heterogeneity, by considering cancer tissue genetic and epigenetic networks, by characterizing changes in the types, composition, and interactions of complexes and networks in the different parts of tumor tissues, and by identifying critical hubs that connect them in time and space.
机译:复杂的表型是由数千个以多分子复合物和相互作用的功能模块组织的大分子的相互作用产生的。反过来,模块形成健康和疾病中的功能网络。 Omics方法收集所有基因和蛋白质变化的数据,然后进行统计分析以发现执行具有较高生物组织特征的功能的功能模块。系统生物学试图超越对单个基因/蛋白质的研究,并将其整合到更高阶的信息中。癌细胞具有缺陷的遗传和表观遗传网络,这些遗传和表观遗传网络是由在肿瘤组织不同部位出现的改变的复合物和网络模块形成的,它们维持自主的细胞行为,最终导致肿瘤的生长。我们建议,通过考虑癌症组织的遗传和表观遗传网络,表征复合物和网络中复合物和网络之间的变化,对肿瘤行为的理解不仅必须解决分子问题,而且还必须解决肿瘤细胞的异质性问题。肿瘤组织的不同部分,并通过确定在时间和空间上将它们连接的关键枢纽。



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