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A grass–fire cycle eliminates an obligate-seeding tree in a tropical savanna




A grass–fire cycle in Australian tropical savannas has been postulated as driving the regional decline of the obligate-seeding conifer Callitris intratropica and other fire-sensitive components of the regional flora and fauna, due to proliferation of flammable native grasses. We tested the hypothesis that a high-biomass invasive savanna grass drives a positive feedback process where intense fires destroy fire-sensitive trees, and the reduction in canopy cover facilitates further invasion by grass. We undertook an observational and experimental study using, as a model system, a plantation of C. intratropica that has been invaded by an African grass, gamba (Andropogon gayanus) in the Northern Territory, Australia. We found that high grass biomass was associated with reduced canopy cover and restriction of foliage to the upper canopy of surviving stems, and mortality of adult trees was very high (>50%) even in areas with low fuel loads (1 t·ha−1). Experimental fires, with fuel loads >10 t·ha−1, typical of the grass-invasion front, caused significant mortality due to complete crown scorch. Lower fuel loads cause reduced canopy cover through defoliation of the lower canopy. These results help explain how increases in grass biomass are coupled with the decline of C. intratropica throughout northern Australia by causing a switch from litter and sparse perennial grass fuels, and hence low-intensity surface fires, to heavy annual grass fuel loads that sustain fires that burn into the midstorey. This study demonstrates that changes in fuel type can alter fire regimes with substantial knock-on effects on the biota.
机译:据推测,由于易燃的天然草的繁殖,澳大利亚热带稀树草原的草火循环推动了专心播种的针叶树Callitris intratropica和该区域动植物群的其他火敏感成分的区域性下降。我们检验了以下假设:高生物量入侵性稀树草原草草会引发积极的反馈过程,在此过程中,强烈的火势会破坏对火敏感的树木,而冠层覆盖的减少则有利于草进一步入侵。我们进行了一项观测和实验研究,使用了作为模型系统的热带果蝇人工林,该人工林已被澳大利亚北领地的非洲草甘巴(Andropogon gayanus)入侵。我们发现,高草生物量与冠层覆盖减少和枝叶对尚存茎的上部冠层的限制有关,即使在低燃料负荷(1 t·ha <的地区)中,成年树木的死亡率也很高(> 50%)。 sup> -1 )。燃料载荷大于10 t·ha −1 的实验性大火是典型的草丛入侵前沿,由于完全烧焦,造成了巨大的死亡。较低的燃料负荷会通过下部机盖的脱叶而降低机盖覆盖率。这些结果有助于说明澳大利亚北部整个草类生物量的增加如何与热带梭菌的减少相关,从而导致由多年生杂物和稀疏的多年生草燃料转变为低强度的地面火,而使每年的重草燃料负荷持续维持大火烧到中层。这项研究表明,燃料类型的改变会改变火灾状况,并对生物群产生实质性的连锁反应。



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