首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Insect Science >Aphid biology: Expressed genes from alate Toxoptera citricida the brown citrus aphid

Aphid biology: Expressed genes from alate Toxoptera citricida the brown citrus aphid

机译:蚜虫生物学:柠檬柑桔蚜类晚蛾Toxoptera citricida的表达基因



The brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), is considered the primary vector of citrus tristeza virus, a severe pathogen which causes losses to citrus industries worldwide. The alate (winged) form of this aphid can readily fly long distances with the wind, thus spreading citrus tristeza virus in citrus growing regions. To better understand the biology of the brown citrus aphid and the emergence of genes expressed during wing development, we undertook a large-scale 5′ end sequencing project of cDNA clones from alate aphids. Similar large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing projects from other insects have provided a vehicle for answering biological questions relating to development and physiology. Although there is a growing database in GenBank of ESTs from insects, most are from Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae, with relatively few specifically derived from aphids. However, important morphogenetic processes are exclusively associated with piercing-sucking insect development and sap feeding insect metabolism. In this paper, we describe the first public data set of ESTs from the brown citrus aphid, T. citricida. The cDNA library was derived from alate adults due to their significance in spreading viruses (e.g., citrus tristeza virus). Over 5180 cDNA clones were sequenced, resulting in 4263 high-quality ESTs. Contig alignment of these ESTs resulted in 2124 total assembled sequences, including both contiguous sequences and singlets. Approximately 33% of the ESTs currently have no significant match in either the non-redundant protein or nucleic acid databases. Sequences returning matches with an E-value of ≤ −10 using BLASTX, BLASTN, or TBLASTX were annotated based on their putative molecular function and biological process using the Gene Ontology classification system. These data will aid research efforts in the identification of important genes within insects, specifically aphids and other sap feeding insects within the Order Hemiptera.The sequence data described in this paper have been submitted to Genbank's dbEST under the following accession numbers.: , , , , , .
expressed sequence tag
class="kwd-title">Keywords: Aphididae, cDNA, EST, Gene expression, Hemiptera, Development, Toxoptera class="head no_bottom_margin" id="s1title" style="text-transform: uppercase;">IntroductionThe brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), is one of the most devastating pests of citrus, causing extensive crop losses worldwide. Feeding by this aphid alone can cause severe damage to citrus. However, it poses an even greater threat to citrus because of its efficient transmission of citrus tristeza closterovirus ().Since the brown citrus aphid genomic sequence is not available, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from single-pass sequencing of cDNA clones prepared from the brown citrus aphid provide an invaluable resource for the identification of genes associated with the biology of the alate adult life stage. In the past, cloning of genes encoding enzymes of specific biochemical pathways by single-pass sequencing of cDNA clones has been a very successful strategy, particularly when the cDNA libraries have been prepared from tissues with high activity for the respective enzymes (; ; ; ; ). This enables investigators to isolate genes derived from specific tissues and/or life stages for more detailed study, which may include developing efficient biocontrol methods.Additionally, ESTs and their accompanying cDNAs, provide the means to construct glass or nylon based arrays that can be used for transcript profiling on a genome-wide scale (; ; ). A careful bioinformatic analysis identifying life stage-specific ESTs is a prerequisite in order to obtain a comprehensive and representative set of cDNAs for gene expression studies by arrays (). Given that there are only a small number of insect ESTs in public databases it was essential to build a life-stage specific library derived from aphids so that analysis of metabolism and development on a genome-wide scale could be accomplished. Even without subsequent array analysis, a relatively large number of ESTs from a specific life stage can provide clues toward the expression of specific genes important to the functions expressly connected with that life stage (href="#i1536-2442-003-23-0001-rafalski1" rid="i1536-2442-003-23-0001-rafalski1" class=" bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip" id="__tag_96701389">Rafalski et al., 1998; href="#i1536-2442-003-23-0001-arbeitman1" rid="i1536-2442-003-23-0001-arbeitman1" class=" bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip" id="__tag_96701388">Arbeitman et al., 2002). In most cases and within statistical limitations, the abundance of a specific cDNA in the EST collection is a measure of gene expression (href="#i1536-2442-003-23-0001-audic1" rid="i1536-2442-003-23-0001-audic1" class=" bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip" id="__tag_96701384">Audic and Claverie, 1997). This technique, referred to as a “digital or electronic northern”, has been utilized in several similar studies to gauge relative gene expression in various tissues. The data sets are available at GenBank, dbEST under the following accession numbers.: id="__tag_227978695" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CB814527:CB814982[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CB814527:CB814982[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CB814527-CB814982","start_term":"CB814527","end_term":"CB814982","start_term_id":"29940382","end_term_id":"29941274"}}CB814527-CB814982, id="__tag_227978701" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CB832665:CB833296[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CB832665:CB833296[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CB832665-CB833296","start_term":"CB832665","end_term":"CB833296","start_term_id":"30030912","end_term_id":"30031543"}}CB832665-CB833296, id="__tag_227978706" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CB854878:CB855147[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CB854878:CB855147[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CB854878-CB855147","start_term":"CB854878","end_term":"CB855147","start_term_id":"30048924","end_term_id":"30049282"}}CB854878-CB855147, id="__tag_227978704" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CB909714:CB910020[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CB909714:CB910020[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CB909714-CB910020","start_term":"CB909714","end_term":"CB910020","start_term_id":"30124375","end_term_id":"30124681"}}CB909714-CB910020, id="__tag_227978699" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CB936196:CB936346[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CB936196:CB936346[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CB936196-CB936346","start_term":"CB936196","end_term":"CB936346","start_term_id":"30221676","end_term_id":"30221675"}}CB936196-CB936346, id="__tag_227978700" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CD449954:CD450759[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CD449954:CD450759[pacc]">{"type":"entrez-nucleotide-range","attrs":{"text":"CD449954-CD450759","start_term":"CD449954","end_term":"CD450759","start_term_id":"31364688","end_term_id":"31365499"}}CD449954-CD450759.
机译:棕色柑桔蚜虫,Toxoptera citricida(Kirkaldy),被认为是柑桔特里丝霉病毒的主要载体,这是一种严重的病原体,会导致全世界柑桔产业的损失。这种蚜虫的翼状(有翼)形式可以随风轻易地长距离飞行,从而在柑橘生长区域传播柑橘三歧病毒。为了更好地了解棕色柑桔类蚜虫的生物学特性以及在翅膀发育过程中表达的基因的出现,我们进行了一次大型5'端测序计划,研究了晚期蚜虫的cDNA克隆。来自其他昆虫的类似大规模表达序列标签(EST)测序项目也提供了一种工具,用于回答与发育和生理有关的生物学问题。尽管在GenBank的EST中有越来越多的昆虫数据库,但大多数数据库都来自果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)和冈比亚按蚊(Anopheles gambiae),而从蚜虫中专门提取的则相对较少。然而,重要的形态发生过程只与刺吸昆虫的发育和汁液喂养昆虫的代谢有关。在本文中,我们描述了来自棕色柑橘蚜虫(T. citricida)的EST的第一个公共数据集。 cDNA文库由于其在传播病毒中的重要性而衍生自迟来的成年人(例如,柑桔柑橘)。测序了超过5180个cDNA克隆,产生了4263个高质量的EST。这些EST的重叠群比对产生了2124个总的装配序列,包括连续序列和单重态。目前,约33%的EST在非冗余蛋白质或核酸数据库中均无显着匹配。使用基因突变分类系统基于推定的分子功能和生物学过程,对使用BLASTX,BLASTN或TBLASTX返回E值≤-10的匹配序列进行注释。这些数据将有助于鉴定昆虫中重要基因的研究工作,特别是半翅目中的蚜虫和其他汁液喂养昆虫。本文描述的序列数据已提交至Genbank dbEST,登录号为: ,,..
表达的序列标签 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:蚜虫,cDNA,EST,基因表达,半翅目,发育,Toxoptera class =“ head no_bottom_margin“ id =” s1title“ style =” text-transform:uppercase;“>简介棕色柑桔蚜虫Toxoptera citricida(Kirkaldy)是柑桔中最具破坏性的害虫之一,在世界范围内造成大量农作物损失。仅靠这种蚜虫进食会严重损害柑橘。然而,由于它有效地传播了柑橘Tristeza Closterovirus(),因此对柑橘构成了更大的威胁。由于无法获得棕色柑橘蚜虫基因组序列,因此从单次测序获得的表达序列标签(EST)可以从cDNA克隆中获得。棕色柑桔蚜虫为鉴定与晚期成年生命生物学相关的基因提供了宝贵的资源。过去,通过单次测序cDNA克隆来克隆编码特定生化途径酶的基因的基因是一种非常成功的策略,特别是当从具有高活性的各种酶的组织中制备cDNA文库时。 )。这使研究人员能够分离出特定组织和/或生命阶段的基因以进行更详细的研究,其中可能包括开发有效的生物防治方法。此外,EST及其随附的cDNA提供了构建可用于玻璃或尼龙的阵列的方法用于在全基因组范围内进行转录谱分析(;;)。仔细的生物信息学分析以鉴定生命阶段特异性的ESTs是先决条件,以便获得用于阵列的基因表达研究的全面而有代表性的cDNA集()。鉴于公共数据库中昆虫EST的数量很少,因此必须建立一个从蚜虫衍生的生命阶段特定文库,以便可以在全基因组范围内完成代谢和发育的分析。即使没有后续的阵列分析,来自特定生命阶段的相对大量的EST也可以为特定基因的表达提供线索,这些基因对于与该生命阶段明确相关的功能很重要(href =“#i1536-2442-003-23 -0001-rafalski1“ rid =” i1536-2442-003-23-0001-rafalski1“ class =” bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip“ id =” __ tag_96701389“> Rafalski等,1998 ; href =” #i1536-2442-003-23-0001-arbeitman1“ rid =” i1536-2442-003-23-0001-arbeitman1“ class =” bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip“ id =” __ tag_96701388“> Arbeitman等人,2002,)。在大多数情况下且在统计范围内,EST集合中特定cDNA的丰度是基因表达的量度(href =“#i1536-2442-003-23-0001-audic1” rid =“ i1536-2442-003-23-0001-audic1 “ class =“ bibr popnode tag_hotlink tag_tooltip” id =“ __ tag_96701384”> Audic and Claverie,1997 )。这项技术被称为“数字北方电子技术”,已在数项类似研究中用于评估各种组织中的相对基因表达。数据集可在genb dbEST的以下登录号处获得。:id =“ __ tag_227978695” class =“ tag_hotlink” href =“ / nuccore /?term = CB814527:CB814982 [pacc]” ref =“ / nuccore / ?term = CB814527:CB814982 [pacc]“> {” type“:” entrez-nucleotide-range“,” attrs“:{” text“:” CB814527-CB814982“,” start_term“:” CB814527“,” end_term“ :“ CB814982”,“ start_term_id”:“ 29940382”,“ end_term_id”:“ 29941274”}} CB814527-CB814982 ,id =“ __ tag_227978701” class =“ tag_hotlink” href =“ / nuccore /?term = CB832665:CB833296 [pacc]“ ref =” / nuccore /?term = CB832665:CB833296 [pacc]“> {” type“:” entrez-nucleotide-range“,” attrs“:{” text“:” CB832665- CB833296“,” start_term“:” CB832665“,” end_term“:” CB833296“,” start_term_id“:” 30030912“,” end_term_id“:” 30031543“}} CB832665-CB833296 ,id =” __ tag_227978706 “ class =” tag_hotlink“ href =” / nuccore /?term = CB854878:CB855147 [pacc]“ ref =” / nuccore /?term = CB854878:CB855147 [pacc]“> {” type“:” entrez-nucleotide-range “,” attrs“:{” text“:” CB854878-CB855147“,” start_term“:” CB854878“,” end_term“:” CB855147“,” start_te rm_id“:” 30048924“,” end_term_id“:” 30049282“}} CB854878-CB855147 ,id =” __ tag_227978704“ class =” tag_hotlink“ href =” / nuccore /?term = CB909714:CB910020 [pacc ]“ ref =” / nuccore /?term = CB909714:CB910020 [pacc]“> {” type“:” entrez-nucleotide-range“”,“ attrs”:{“ text”:“ CB909714-CB910020”,“ start_term” :“ CB909714”,“ end_term”:“ CB910020”,“ start_term_id”:“ 30124375”,“ end_term_id”:“ 30124681”}} CB909714-CB910020 ,id =“ __ tag_227978699” class =“ tag_hotlink” href =“ / nuccore /?term = CB936196:CB936346 [pacc]” ref =“ / nuccore /?term = CB936196:CB936346 [pacc]”> {“ type”:“ entrez-nucleotide-range”,“ attrs”: {“ text”:“ CB936196-CB936346”,“ start_term”:“ CB936196”,“ end_term”:“ CB936346”,“ start_term_id”:“ 30221676”,“ end_term_id”:“ 30221675”}} CB936196-CB936346 ,id="__tag_227978700" class="tag_hotlink" href="uccore/?term=CD449954:CD450759[pacc]" ref="uccore/?term=CD449954:CD450759[pacc]"> {“ type “:” entrez核苷酸范围“,” attrs“:{”文本“:” CD449954-CD450759“,” start_term“:” CD449954“,” end_term“:” CD450759“,” start_term_id“:” 31364688“,” end_term_id“:” 31365499“}} CD449954-CD450759 。



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