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Strikingly Bacteria-Like and Gene-Rich Mitochondrial Genomes throughout Jakobid Protists




The most bacteria-like mitochondrial genome known is that of the jakobid flagellate Reclinomonas americana NZ. This genome also encodes the largest known gene set among mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs), including the RNA subunit of RNase P (transfer RNA processing), a reduced form of transfer–messenger RNA (translational control), and a four-subunit bacteria-like RNA polymerase, which in other eukaryotes is substituted by a nucleus-encoded, single-subunit, phage-like enzyme. Further, protein-coding genes are preceded by potential Shine–Dalgarno translation initiation motifs. Whether similarly ancestral mitochondrial characters also exist in relatives of R. americana NZ is unknown. Here, we report a comparative analysis of nine mtDNAs from five distant jakobid genera: Andalucia, Histiona, Jakoba, Reclinomonas, and Seculamonas. We find that Andalucia godoyi has an even larger mtDNA gene complement than R. americana NZ. The extra genes are rpl35 (a large subunit mitoribosomal protein) and cox15 (involved in cytochrome oxidase assembly), which are nucleus encoded throughout other eukaryotes. Andalucia cox15 is strikingly similar to its homolog in the free-living α-proteobacterium Tistrella mobilis. Similarly, a long, highly conserved gene cluster in jakobid mtDNAs, which is a clear vestige of prokaryotic operons, displays a gene order more closely resembling that in free-living α-proteobacteria than in Rickettsiales species. Although jakobid mtDNAs, overall, are characterized by bacteria-like features, they also display a few remarkably divergent characters, such as 3′-tRNA editing in Seculamonas ecuadoriensis and genome linearization in Jakoba libera. Phylogenetic analysis with mtDNA-encoded proteins strongly supports monophyly of jakobids with Andalucia as the deepest divergence. However, it remains unclear which α-proteobacterial group is the closest mitochondrial relative.
机译:已知最类似于细菌的线粒体基因组是雅各比鞭毛虫美国Reclinomonas NZ的基因组。该基因组还编码线粒体DNA(mtDNA)中最大的已知基因集,包括RNase P的RNA亚基(转移RNA处理),减少形式的转移信使RNA(翻译控制)和类似四亚基的细菌RNA聚合酶,在其他真核生物中被核编码的单亚基噬菌体样酶取代。此外,蛋白质编码基因之前还有潜在的Shine-Dalgarno翻译起始基序。 R. americana NZ的亲戚中是否也存在类似的祖先线粒体特征尚不清楚。在这里,我们报告了来自五个遥远的雅科比属的九种mtDNA的比较分析:安达卢西亚,海信达,雅可巴,雷克莫纳氏菌和缝线虫。我们发现Andalucia godoyi具有比R. americana NZ更大的mtDNA基因互补序列。额外的基因是rpl35(一种大的亚单位线粒体蛋白质)和cox15(涉及细胞色素氧化酶装配),它们是在其他真核生物中编码的核。 Andalucia cox15与其在自由活动的α-变形杆菌Tistrella mobilis中的同源物极为相似。同样,在雅科比mtDNAs中,一个长而高度保守的基因簇是原核操纵子的明显痕迹,其基因顺序比立克次体物种更类似于自由生活的α-蛋白细菌。尽管总体而言,雅各比线粒体DNA具有类似细菌的特征,但它们也表现出一些显着不同的特征,例如厄瓜多尔绢藻中的3'-tRNA编辑和雅可巴天牛中的基因组线性化。用mtDNA编码的蛋白质进行系统发育分析,有力地支持了雅科比的单亲性,其中最大的差异是安达卢西亚。但是,尚不清楚哪个α-蛋白酶组是最接近的线粒体亲缘关系。



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