首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Insect Science >Molecular Identification and Expressive Characterization of an Olfactory Co-Receptor Gene in the Asian Honeybee Apis cerana cerana

Molecular Identification and Expressive Characterization of an Olfactory Co-Receptor Gene in the Asian Honeybee Apis cerana cerana

机译:亚洲蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana嗅觉共受体基因的分子鉴定和表达特征



Olfaction recognition process is extraordinarily complex in insects, and the olfactory receptors play an important function in the process. In this paper, a highly conserved olfactory co-receptor gene, AcerOr2 (ortholog to the Drosophila melanogaster Or83b), cloned from the antennae of the Asian honeybee, Apis cerana cerana Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Apidae), using reverse transcriptase PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. The full-length sequence of the gene was 1763 bp long, and the cDNA open reading frame encoded 478 amino acid residues, including 7 putative transmembrane domains. Alignment analysis revealed that AcerOr2 shares high homology (> 74%) with similar olfactory receptors found in other Hymenoptera species. The amino acid identity with the closely related species Apis mellifera reached 99.8%. The developmental expression analysis using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR suggested that the AcerOr2 transcript was expressed at a relatively low level in the larval stage, whereas it was expressed broadly in the pupal and adult stages, with a significantly high level on the days just before and after eclosion. In situ hybridization showed that AcerOr2 mRNA was expressed in sensilla placodea and on the basal region of the worker antennal cuticle, in accordance with the previous conclusions that the conserved genes are expressed in most olfactory receptor neurons.
机译:嗅觉识别过程在昆虫中异常复杂,嗅觉受体在该过程中起着重要的作用。本文采用逆转录酶PCR和快速扩增技术,从亚洲蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana Fabricius(膜翅目:Apidae)的触角中克隆了一个高度保守的嗅觉共受体基因AcerOr2(果蝇Orlog的直系同源基因)。 cDNA末端。该基因的全长序列长1763 bp,cDNA开放阅读框编码478个氨基酸残基,包括7个推定的跨膜结构域。序列比对分析显示,AcerOr2与其他膜翅目物种中发现的类似嗅觉受体具有高度同源性(> 74%)。与近亲蜜蜂Apis mellifera的氨基酸同一性达到99.8%。使用定量实时逆转录酶PCR进行的发育表达分析表明,AcerOr2转录本在幼虫阶段的表达水平相对较低,而在幼虫和成年阶段则广泛表达,在刚出生的几天中表达水平较高。羽化之前和之后。原位杂交表明,AcerOr2 mRNA在感觉器的腹膜和工人触角表皮的基底区域表达,这与先前的结论是保守基因在大多数嗅觉受体神经元中表达有关。



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