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New Zealand Passerines Help Clarify the Diversification of Major Songbird Lineages during the Oligocene




Passerines are the largest avian order, and the 6,000 species comprise more than half of all extant bird species. This successful radiation probably had its origin in the Australasian region, but dating this origin has been difficult due to a scarce fossil record and poor biogeographic assumptions. Many of New Zealand’s endemic passerines fall within the deeper branches of the passerine radiation, and a well resolved phylogeny for the modern New Zealand element in the deeper branches of the oscine lineage will help us understand both oscine and passerine biogeography. To this end we present complete mitochondrial genomes representing all families of New Zealand passerines in a phylogenetic framework of over 100 passerine species. Dating analyses of this robust phylogeny suggest Passeriformes originated in the early Paleocene, with the major lineages of oscines “escaping” from Australasia about 30 Ma, and radiating throughout the world during the Oligocene. This independently derived conclusion is consistent with the passerine fossil record.
机译:雀形目是鸟类中最大的鸟类,这6000种物种占现存鸟类总数的一半以上。这种成功的辐射可能起源于澳大利亚地区,但是由于缺乏化石记录和不良的生物地理假设,很难对这一起源进行日期定年。新西兰的许多地方性雀形目都在雀形核素辐射的更深层分支中,而对现代新西兰元素的深入了解的系统发育史,则可以在我们了解到的奥斯辛谱系的更深分支中,从而有助于我们了解奥斯辛和雀形文的生物地理。为此,我们在超过100种雀形目种类的系统发育框架中,代表了代表新西兰雀形目所有家族的完整线粒体基因组。对这种健壮的系统发育的约会分析表明,Passeriformes起源于古新世早期,主要的血统从大洋洲“逃逸”到大约30 Ma,并在渐新世期间向全世界辐射。这一独立得出的结论与雀形目化石记录是一致的。



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