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The ecology of sexual dimorphism in size and shape of the freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis

机译:淡水粘鱼Salaria fluviatilis大小和形状的性二态生态



Sexual selection is considered the major cause of sexual dimorphism, but recent observations suggest that natural selection may play a more important role in the evolution of sex differentiation than previously recognized. Therefore, studying the trade-offs between natural selection and sexual selection is crucial to a better understanding of the ecology underlying the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis, a fish inhabiting lakes and rivers around the Mediterranean Sea, displays strong sexual dimorphism in size, shape, and behavior (i.e., larger body and head size for males and higher swimming requirements for females during the reproductive period). We tested for differences in sexual dimorphism in size and shape between the populations from lake and river habitats with the goal of identifying the trade-offs between natural and sexual selection that underlie variations in sexual dimorphism in this species. Our results show i) differences in sexual size dimorphism (SSizeD) in accordance to Rensch’s rule (i.e., larger individuals in rivers associated with higher SSizeD), and ii) a decrease in shape differentiation between males and females in lake populations. Together, this suggests that the different environmental conditions between lake and river habitats (e.g., resource limitations, predation pressure, water velocity) affect the relative importance of sexual selection in the display of sexual dimorphism within the species. This study highlights the importance of considering the environmental conditions to which populations are exposed to better understand the ecology underlying the evolution of sexual dimorphism.
机译:性选择被认为是性二态性的主要原因,但最近的观察表明,自然选择在性别分化的进化中可能比以前认识的更为重要。因此,研究自然选择和性选择之间的取舍对于更好地理解性二态性进化基础的生态学至关重要。淡水粘鱼Salaria fluviatilis是一种鱼类,栖息在地中海沿岸的湖泊和河流中,在大小,形状和行为方面表现出强烈的性二态性(即雄性的身高和头大,而生殖期间雌性的游泳要求更高)。我们测试了湖泊和河流生境的种群之间在大小和形状上的性别差异,目的是确定在自然选择和性别选择之间的权衡,这些选择是该物种性别变异的基础。我们的结果表明:i)根据伦施法则的性别大小二态性(SSizeD)的差异(即,河流中较大的个体与较高的SSizeD相关),并且ii)湖泊种群中男性和女性之间的形状差异减小。总之,这表明湖泊和河流栖息地之间的不同环境条件(例如资源限制,捕食压力,水流速度)会影响物种选择中性别选择的相对重要性。这项研究强调了考虑人群所处的环境条件以更好地了解性二态性进化基础的生态学的重要性。



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